kaffe and biss-awt

Peter C. Mehlitz pm at biss-net.com
Tue Mar 11 04:56:31 PST 1997

> I found I had to
> create a link called libkaffe_awt.so pointing to libkaffe_bissawt.so.
> When I fixed this and tried again, I got:
> Failed to locate native function:
>         sun/awt/motif/MToolkit.init()V
> java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError ...

Now that means your "awt.toolkit" system property has a wrong value (it has to
be "biss.awt.kernel.Toolkit"). You can either set this on the java command
line, compile it into kaffe, or use the "set-env" script supplied with biss-awt
(in dir ~/biss/src/biss/awt/kernel, execute it with ". set-env" and you should
be able to start things like "k biss.jde.LibBrowser"). Make sure the biss-awt
property files have been installed under ~/.java/.

If you didn't get the libkaffe_bissawt link, you most probably didn't do a "su
-c 'make install'" (as mentioned in the ~/biss/INSTALL file).

> I've looked at the sources in the biss-net.com directory, but
> it's not clear to me what is straight from biss, what is additional, and
> what is modified.

Well, it *should* be the same except of the build procedure (I just have a
simple Makefile for the native lib) and the kaffe relevant changes (like the
above system property). Since biss-awt *and* kaffe are moving targets (I put a
new "patches-0.87" on ftp.biss-net/pub/biss-awt just yesterday), I - together
with Tim - have to figure out a way of keeping things in sync between our
servers. I'm sorry for the currently un-clear situation.

Hope this helps for the moment

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