Date related problems

Gerhard Paulus gpaulus at
Wed Dec 30 02:59:24 PST 1998

in Sun's VM  "month" for Date and Calendar is zero-based. In Kaffe
"month" seems to be generally 1-based but 12 is not and month 0 is
accepted. There seem to be problems with 31 day months, too.  

In SimpleDateFormat the "HH" template as in "yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss" does
not work right und should be 2 digits.  

Calendar.getInstance(TimeZone, Locale) seems to have problems with "GMT"

Please run the following code which will show some bugs /

SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new 
	SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd", Locale.US) ;
SimpleDateFormat dateTimeFormat = new 
	SimpleDateFormat("yyyy.MM.dd HH:mm:ss", Locale.US) ;

Date date= null ;
TimeZone tz= TimeZone.getDefault() ;
tz.setRawOffset(0) ;
Calendar cal= Calendar.getInstance(tz, Locale.US) ;

cal.set(1998,0,15) ;   //  1998.00.15
date= cal.getTime() ;
System.out.println("temp: dateFormat:  "+dateFormat.format(date)) ;  

//                              Kaffe                Sun 
// cal.set(1998,0,15) ;  //  1998.00.15       1998.01.15     
// cal.set(1998,8,31) ;  //  1998.09.01       1998.10.01
// cal.set(1998,11,15) ; //  1998.11.15       1998.12.15
// cal.set(1998,12,15) ; //  1999.00.15       1999.01.15
// cal.set(1998,11,15, 1,1,1) ;  
               //  1998.11.15   1:01:01       1998.12.15 02:01:01   
// cal.set(1998,11,11, 3,15,10); 
               //  1998.11.11   1:15:10       1998.12.11 04:15:10

// ----------
// this will not return a Calendar instance  :
TimeZone tz= TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT") ;  
Calendar cal= Calendar.getInstance(tz, Locale.US) ;

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