config problem

Michael R. Harper mikihasa at
Mon Feb 23 02:00:44 PST 1998

Dear Sir,

Back when I started, I had to change the configuration scripts that I
used to compile Kaffe in order to get it to work.  One of the changes
was to remove the kaffe_ from the commands that created these
libraries.  Thus, the libraries came out named as you saw.

At your suggestion, I created some more links in the lib directory in
order to make the kaffe_ names available.  Here is what is in my

libagent.a              libkaffe_net.a          libnative.a.0.92
libagent.a.0.92         libkaffe_zip.a          libnet.a
libkaffe_agent.a        libkaffevm.a            libnet.a.0.92
libkaffe_kaffevm.a      libkaffevm.a.0.92       libzip.a
libkaffe_native.a       libnative.a             libzip.a.0.92

I still have the problem:

mclean1: {33} % jdb
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no net in shared library path
        at java/lang/Throwable.<init>(line unknown, pc 0x1da4d7)
        at java/lang/Error.<init>(line unknown, pc 0x1da629)
        at java/lang/LinkageError.<init>(line unknown, pc 0x1da5b1)
        at java/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError.<init>(line unknown, pc
        at java/lang/Runtime.loadLibrary(line unknown, pc 0x1d5f0f)
        at java/lang/System.loadLibrary(line unknown, pc 0x1d69f1)
        at java/net/InetAddress.<clinit>(line unknown, pc 0x1df056)
mclean1: {34} %
mclean1: {34} % jar
java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no zip in shared library path
        at java/lang/Throwable.<init>(line unknown, pc 0x1a9dbf)
        at java/lang/Error.<init>(line unknown, pc 0x1a9f11)
        at java/lang/LinkageError.<init>(line unknown, pc 0x1a9e99)
        at java/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError.<init>(line unknown, pc
        at java/lang/Runtime.loadLibrary(line unknown, pc 0x1aa73f)
        at java/lang/System.loadLibrary(line unknown, pc 0x1a96a9)
        at java/util/zip/CRC32.<clinit>(40)
        at sun/tools/jar/Main.<init>(45)
        at sun/tools/jar/Main.main(523)

Do I need to recompile?  If so, won't I run into the problem that I
"fixed" to begin with?

I actually do not have access to the /usr/local/lib (because I am not
that priviliged) so I copied the files to my own local lib directory and
used it as the LD_LIBRARY_PATH.  Do you see a problem with this?

Does kaffe actually look at these files as it runs, or just during


Michael R. Harper
mikihasa at

P.S.: It is never a good assumption that someone has answered simple
questions like mine on this mailing list.  I usually try to make it look
more interesting by including a lot of listings and other filler.
One-liners usually go unanswered.

P.P.S.:  Thanks for responding.

Rick Innis wrote:

> > I think I have a setup or configuration problem, as evidenced by:
> You've probably had an answer by now, but if not, the problem is
> that these files need to be called libkaffe_whatever .a rather than
> libwhatever.a  - kaffe's configuration file that needs to be fixed,
> but you can just rename the libraries as a work-around.
>         --Rick.

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