Which platform kaffe works? (was: Re: Kaffe 1.0.b1 install fails on Alpha Linux)

Rick Greer rick at sandpiper.com
Wed Jul 15 17:40:26 PDT 1998

> Oh!
> Then, sysdepCallMethod is only properly defined for i386 or sparc.

Well, it's more than just the "sysdepCallMethod" that's missing.  I
wrote a version that appears to work (attached if you want it), but
was still unable to compile with JIT on the alpha.  Evidently, this
platform was never converted when the thread scheme was changed.  I'm
getting married next week and really don't have time to do any more
work on this.

								-- Reg
-------------- next part --------------
 * alpha/common.h
 * Common Alpha configuration information.
 * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997
 *	Transvirtual Technologies, Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution 
 * of this file. 
 * 15 July, 1998:
 *      Modified by Rick Greer (rick at sandpiper.com) for use with Alpha Linux

#ifndef __alpha_common_h
#define __alpha_common_h

 * Make a call to a native or Java (JIT) method.
 *  This assembly code should build a standard C call using the passed
 *  call information.  By its nature this is highly processor specific.
 *  This function is mandatory for the JIT, but can be avoided for
 *  the interpreter if you don't define NO_KAFFE_STUBS.  However, the
 *  Kaffe stubs will be deprecated at some time in the future and
 *  this function will be needed for JNI support when it comes.

#define getJavaArg(CALL, n)						      \
(   /*									      \
     *  Sign-extend short arguments:					      \
     *									      \
     *  This macro sign extends short (i.e, 32-bit or less) arguments to a    \
     *  64-bit "long" that can be inserted directly into a 64-bit register.   \
     */									      \
    ((CALL)->callsize[n] == 2) ? (CALL)->args[n].j : (long)((CALL)->args[n].i)\

#define	sysdepCallMethod(CALL)						      \
{   /*									      \
     *  Call a Java Method:						      \
     *									      \
     *  This macro generates an in-line call to the Java method described by  \
     *  the given method info structure ("CALL" argument) and stores the      \
     *  return value in the info struct as well.			      \
     */									      \
    int x, rags = 0;		    					      \
    long lags[MAXMARGS-6];					      	      \
    for (x = 0; x < (CALL)->nrargs; x++)				      \
    {   /*								      \
         *  The alpha has 64-bit registers, so we don't really need the ex-   \
         *  tra "callsize = 0" entries in the arg list.  This loop removes    \
         *  them by sliding any subsequent entries to the left.		      \
         */								      \
        if ((CALL)->callsize[x] > 0)					      \
        {								      \
            if (x > rags) (CALL)->args[rags] = (CALL)->args[x];		      \
            rags += 1;							      \
        }								      \
    }									      \
    switch (rags)							      \
    {                                                                         \
	/* The parameter registers ... 					    */\
        register long r16 asm("$16");					      \
        register long r17 asm("$17");					      \
        register long r18 asm("$18");					      \
        register long r19 asm("$19");					      \
        register long r20 asm("$20");					      \
        register long r21 asm("$21");					      \
        default:							      \
        {   /*								      \
             *  If we have more than 6 arguments, we need to push them onto   \
             *  the stack.  We've already made room for them by allocating    \
             *  the "lags" array, so all we do here is copy them into it.     \
             */								      \
            register long *lap;						      \
            asm("bis $30,$30,%0" : "=r" (lap));                               \
            for (x = 5; ++x <= rags; *lap++ = getJavaArg(CALL, x));           \
        }								      \
        /* The first 6 arguments are loaded into the parameter registers.   */\
        case 6: r21 = getJavaArg(CALL, 5);				      \
        case 5: r20 = getJavaArg(CALL, 4);				      \
        case 4: r19 = getJavaArg(CALL, 3);				      \
        case 3: r18 = getJavaArg(CALL, 2);				      \
        case 2: r17 = getJavaArg(CALL, 1);				      \
        case 1: r16 = getJavaArg(CALL, 0);				      \
    }									      \
    asm("ldq $27,%0" :: "m" ((CALL)->function));			      \
    asm("jsr $26,($27),0");						      \
    asm("ldgp $29,0($26)");						      \
    asm("stq $0,%0" : "=m" ((CALL)->ret->j));				      \
    /* Store floating point return value over (default) integer value ...   */\
    if ((CALL)->rettype == 'D') asm("stt $f0,%0" : "=m" ((CALL)->ret->d));    \
    if ((CALL)->rettype == 'F') asm("sts $f0,%0" : "=m" ((CALL)->ret->f));    \

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