
Peter Mehlitz peter at
Thu Mar 25 10:28:02 PST 1999

>  My understanding is that they rewrote everything from scratch when
> they started Transvirtual because BISS still owns the BISS awt.

That's correct.

We tried to get BISS-AWT over to GPL, but that didn't work with BISS. Besides,
BISS-AWT was/is meant to be a widget-replacement/extension framework (pretty
mutch like Swing, but lean) rather than a stand-alone AWT implementation
(which it was only to a certain extent).

It's still alive in a sense that Joerg and I use it for our own purposes (and
occasionally fix - remarkably few - problems). It's basic ideas might live up
again in a future reimplementation (I still believe there is a need for a
"light weight" Swing-alternative).

-- Peter

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