large Class.forName() patch

Mo DeJong mdejong at
Tue Feb 1 13:13:22 PST 2000

On that note, here is an updated regression test that takes care
of the case where you have an actual Class name "int" or "I" and
it also checks for / in the name of a class passed to forName().

Mo Dejong
Red Hat Inc.

On Tue, 1 Feb 2000, Godmar Back wrote:

> Let me look at Mo's patch more closely and maybe we find something
> that will not break the gcj stuff.  I kind of like to keep the primitive
> classes in the classpool---this I think is nicer for keeping statistics
> on all classes, for instance.
> As for the Class.forName() interface, I think it's better to strive 
> for 100% Sun compatibility here, which means to not provide backdoor 
> ways to lookup primitive classes such as looking up "I" or "int" if 
> Sun doesn't.  For instance, I got totally 
> confused already when I thought that kaffe could look up "I" before I 
> realized that's because I do all my tests in a directory filled with 
> A.class, B.class, ..., I.class, ... Z.class files.
> That said, I find Sun's implementation of Class.forName horrible.
> Why do I have use the L; form in an array but not for simple classes?
> It makes no sense.  Of course, the JDK doc also doesn't document it.
> And why shouldn't you be able to look primitive classes up by name?
> 	- Godmar

-------------- next part --------------
public class ArrayForName {

    public static void testLoadArray() throws Exception {

	// Loading by built-in type ID is not allowed
	// int          != I
	// boolean      != Z
	// long         != J
	// float        != F
	// double       != D
	// byte         != B
        // short        != S
	// char         != C
	// void         != V

	expect("I", "Exception");
	expect("Z", "Exception");
	expect("J", "Exception");
	expect("F", "Exception");
	expect("D", "Exception");
	expect("B", "Exception");
	expect("S", "Exception");
	expect("C", "Exception");
	expect("V", "Exception");

	// Not possible to load by builtin type name

	expect("int",     "Exception");
	expect("boolean", "Exception");
	expect("long",    "Exception");
	expect("float",   "Exception");
	expect("double",  "Exception");
	expect("byte",    "Exception");
	expect("short",   "Exception");
	expect("char",    "Exception");
	expect("void",    "Exception");

	// Test loading an array by built-in type id
	// int[]        == [I
	// int[][]      == [[I
	// boolean[]    == [Z
	// boolean[][]  == [[Z
	// long[]       == [J
	// long[][]     == [[J
	// float[]      == [F
	// float[][]    == [[F
	// double[]     == [D
	// double[][]   == [[D
	// byte[]       == [B
	// byte[][]     == [[B
	// short[]      == [S
	// short[][]    == [[S
	// char[]       == [C
	// char[][]     == [[C

	expect("[I",  "int[]");
	expect("[[I", "int[][]");
	expect("[Z",  "boolean[]");
	expect("[[Z", "boolean[][]");
	expect("[J",  "long[]");
	expect("[[J", "long[][]");
	expect("[F",  "float[]");
	expect("[[F", "float[][]");
	expect("[D",  "double[]");
	expect("[[D", "double[][]");
	expect("[B",  "byte[]");
	expect("[[B", "byte[][]");
	expect("[S",  "short[]");
	expect("[[S", "short[][]");
	expect("[C",  "char[]");
	expect("[[C", "char[][]");

	// Array of type void is not allowed

	expect("[V",    "Exception");
	expect("[[V",   "Exception");
	expect("[[[V",  "Exception");

	// When loading an array using the built-in
	// type id, id must be at end of string

	expect("[II",   "Exception");
	expect("[ZZ",   "Exception");
	expect("[JJ",   "Exception");
	expect("[FF",   "Exception");
	expect("[DD",   "Exception");
	expect("[BB",   "Exception");
	expect("[SS",   "Exception");
	expect("[CC",   "Exception");
	expect("[ZZ",   "Exception");
	expect("[C;",   "Exception");
	expect("[C\0;", "Exception");

	// [L + Class + ;
	// Primitive Class name is not valid 

	expect("[Lint;",     "Exception");
	expect("[Lboolean;", "Exception");
	expect("[Llong;",    "Exception");
	expect("[Lfloat;",   "Exception");
	expect("[Ldouble;",  "Exception");
	expect("[Lbyte;",    "Exception");
	expect("[Lshort;",   "Exception");
	expect("[Lchar;",    "Exception");
	expect("[Lvoid;",    "Exception");

	// java.lang.Object[]     == [Ljava.lang.Object;
	// java.lang.Object[][]   == [[Ljava.lang.Object;
	// java.lang.String[]     == [Ljava.lang.String;
	// java.lang.String[][]   == [[Ljava.lang.String;

	expect("[Ljava.lang.Object;",  "java.lang.Object[]");
	expect("[[Ljava.lang.Object;", "java.lang.Object[][]");
	expect("[Ljava.lang.String;",  "java.lang.String[]");
	expect("[[Ljava.lang.String;", "java.lang.String[][]");

	// L + Class must follow 0-N [ characters

	expect("Ljava.lang.Object;", "Exception");
	expect("Ljava.lang.String;", "Exception");

	// Misc invalid class names

	expect("L",          "Exception");
	expect("L;",         "Exception");
	expect("LS;",        "Exception");
	expect("[LObject;",  "Exception");
	expect("[[LObject;", "Exception");
	expect("[LString;",  "Exception");
	expect("[[LString;", "Exception");
	expect("[[String;",  "Exception");
	expect("[[Object;",  "Exception");
	expect("[[int;",     "Exception");
	expect("LString;",   "Exception");
	expect("L;",         "Exception");
	expect("[[Q",        "Exception");
	expect("[void",      "Exception");
	expect("[[Ljava/lang/Object;", "Exception");
	expect("",           "Exception");

    static void expect(String clsName, String expected) throws Exception {
	String result = loadByName(clsName);

	if (! result.equals(expected)) {
	    StringBuffer msg = new StringBuffer();

	    msg.append("for clsName \"" + clsName + "\" expected \"" +
		       expected + "\" but got \"" + result + "\"");

	    throw new RuntimeException(msg.toString());

    static String loadByName(String clsName) throws Exception {
    	try {
	    Class c = Class.forName(clsName);
	    if (c == null) {
		// This should never happen
		throw new NullPointerException("Class.forName(" +
		    clsName + ") returned null");
	    if (!c.isArray() && !c.isPrimitive()) {
		// In this case we tried to load a primitive
		// type by name (like "int"), but we got
		// an actual class that used that name.
		// We only try to load arrays and primitive
		// types in this set of tests, so just pretend
		// that we did not find a class name "int".
		return "Exception";
	    return getNameFromClass( c );
	} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // JDK 1.1
	    return "Exception";
	} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { // JDK 1.2
	    return "Exception";

    static String getNameFromClass(Class type) {
	StringBuffer name = new StringBuffer();
	while (type.isArray()) {
	    type = type.getComponentType();
	return name.toString();
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {

Final output

% java ArrayForName

for clsName "[C;" expected "Exception" but got "char[]"
for clsName "[[Ljava/lang/Object;" expected "Exception" but got "java.lang.Object[][]"


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