AWT library for WinNT

Archie Cobbs archie at
Mon Jan 17 09:52:45 PST 2000

Edward Llewellyn writes:
> Well, I hacked together a for the awt/win32 directory, as well
> as fixing my configure file to create the
> Makefile from it.  However, I then ran into syntax errors on the first file
> btn.cpp, so I'm giving up on this
> approach.  My coworker is meanwhile working on porting the Kaffe code to
> VC++, which will be more useful
> to us, as we want to run it on Windows CE (as well as develop on Windows
> NT).  So, I'll be working with him
> to make that port happen.

You might want to talk to Transvirtual about using their custom
version, which is better supported for the kind of thing you're doing.


Archie Cobbs   *   Whistle Communications, Inc.  *

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