Kaffe 1.0.3 for BSD/OS 4.1

Shinji KONO kono at ie.u-ryukyu.ac.jp
Thu Nov 2 20:52:46 PST 2000

I have created kaffe 1.0.3 for BSD/OS 4.1. It requires a few
fix. It is mush faster than BSD/OS's original JDK 1.2 ( with
no JIT support )

The first one is thread assembly code. This is I already reported
but not inlucded yet. The next problem is library order on the
linkage. It looks like that libtool shell script fails to determine
it. But I find linking by a hand is easier than fixing brain
damaged libtool script. I couldn't remember but the rest of 
the problem was easy. 

Binaries Only

Binaries and Sources


Kaffe's applet viewer crash on non-double quoted applet tag. Is this a
known problem?

Shinji KONO @ Information Engineering, University of the Ryukyus, 
              PRESTO, Japan Science and Technology Corporation
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