Kaffe on embedded MIPS board

kjlin kj.lin at viditec-netmedia.com.tw
Fri Feb 2 01:40:16 PST 2001

I make the kaffe for my embedded MIPS board by cross-compiling with "--without-x"  and "--enable-debug" option on the x86 Redhat 6.2 PC.
After download all the kaffe files from x86 into the /usr/local/ of my embedded board, 
i try to test some java code which is in the "test/regression" directory of the kaffe source tree.
Some can run, but some cann't.
Most of the error message is as following:

# javac LoaderTest.java ( for example)
# kaffe -vmdebug INITCLASSPATH LoaderTest
initClasspath(): '.:/usr/local/share/kaffe/Klasses.jar:/usr/local/share/kaffe/co
insertClasspath(): '.' append
insertClasspath(): '/usr/local/share/kaffe/Klasses.jar' append
insertClasspath(): '/usr/local/share/kaffe/comm.jar' append
insertClasspath(): '/usr/local/share/kaffe/pjava.jar' append
insertClasspath(): '/usr/local/share/kaffe/servlet.jar' append
insertClasspath(): '/usr/local/share/kaffe/tools.jar' append
insertClasspath(): '/usr/local/share/kaffe/microsoft.jar' append
insertClasspath(): '/usr/local/share/kaffe/kjc.jar' append
insertClasspath(): '/usr/local/share/kaffe/rmi.jar' append            
Loading Class0 with default ClassLoader
-> class Class0 loader null
Loading Class1 with Loader1
Loader1: finding Class1...Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.

I considser my CLASSPATH should be ok.
What's the problem?
Is it the problem of the kaffe i made or just the tested java code ??
Any suggestion will be appreciated!!

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