[kaffe] [patch] misc api fixes

Stuart Ballard sballard at netreach.com
Tue Jul 2 07:50:35 PDT 2002

Dalibor Topic wrote:
 > Hi,
 > as the first result of using japitools to check
 > kaffe's compatibility with the java api specs, I
 > created a patch that fixes some of the simpler issues
 > with 1.1 and 1.2 specs. Attached you'll find the
 > gzipped patch and the changelog.

Cool - this is what I was hoping for when I originally wrote japitools 2 
years ago :)

Out of interest, what does the summary information for Kaffe vs 1.0 and 
1.1 look like with these fixes? (Note that you can probably never get 
both of these to zero simultaneously - the results of japicompat 
jdk10.japi jdk11.japi are distinctly non-error free (and later versions 
get worse as the API gets bigger). One of the things I'd like to add in 
the future is a way to exclude these error when testing kaffe against 
older JDKs.


Stuart Ballard, Programmer
NetReach - Internet Solutions
(215) 283-2300, ext. 126

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