Most popular applications?

Andrew Dalgleish
Tue, 26 Mar 2002 18:40:08 +1100

On Thu, Mar 21, 2002 at 08:41:15AM -0800, Jim Pick wrote:
> Hi,
> I want to compile a list of what people feel are the most important Java
> applications that people will be using kaffe to run.
> I'd like to use the list to do some experimenting and testing.
> I'll start off the list:
> 1) Tomcat: - for running servlets
> 2) Jython: - see the note saying it doesn't work with
> Kaffe at
> 3) ....  I'm not going to list too many myself - I want to see what other
> people are running, or want to run

These might not be the most popular apps, but I would suggest anything
that helps development will get you the most value, particularly tools
which help Kaffe development.

junit and friends