[kaffe] I cannot compile latest cvs source in mips linux with awt qt...

KIM, Seong-beom sbkim at mail.marusys.com
Wed Apr 9 04:13:01 PDT 2003

Hello guys...

When I tried to compile kaffe with the following configuration,
I failed to properly compile class libraries.
I have been having no problems with older cvs sources (about two months ago?).
Do I miss something in configuration?

Please help me~
Thanks in advance...

export QTDIR=/home/sbkim/work/mips-qt
CC=mips-linux-gcc CFLAGS="-mcpu=r5000" \
CXX=mips-linux-g++ CXXFLAGS="-mcpu=r5000"  \
ac_cv_alignmentof_voidp='4' \
ac_cv_c_bigendian='yes' \
ac_cv_sizeof___int64='0' \
ac_cv_sizeof_int='4' \
ac_cv_sizeof_long='4' \
ac_cv_sizeof_long_long='8' \
ac_cv_sizeof_short='2' \
ac_cv_sizeof_voidp='4' \
~/work/kaffe/configure \
--with-engine=intrp \
--with-jikes=/home/sbkim/bin/jikes \
--target=mips-pc-linux-gnu --host=mips-pc-linux-gnu --build=mips-pc-linux-gnu \
--with-includes=/usr/mips-linux/include --with-libraries=/usr/mips-linux/lib \
--with-awt=qt --with-qtdir=/home/sbkim/work/mips-qt \
--without-alsa \
--without-esd \
--disable-sound \
--disable-debug \
--disable-xprofiling \
--disable-xdebugging \
--disable-feedback \
--without-profiling \
--without-stats \
--disable-gcj >& sbkim.log

rm -rf lib
mkdir lib
/bin/sh ./rebuildLib @essential.files
Compiling classes from @essential.files using  /home/sbkim/bin/jikes

Issued 1 system warning:

*** Warning: The file "lib" is not a valid directory.

Found 3 semantic errors compiling "kaffe/io/CharToByteConverter.java":

    38.                 return (super.clone());
*** Error: The method "java.lang.Object clone();" can throw the checked
exception "java/lang/CloneNotSupportedException", but its invocation is neither
enclosed in a try statement that can catch that exception nor in the body of a
method or constructor that "throws" that exception.

    40.         catch (CloneNotSupportedException _) {
*** Error: This catch block may be unreachable because there is no exception
whose type is assignable to "kaffe/io/CloneNotSupportedException" that can be
thrown during execution of the body of the try block.

    40.         catch (CloneNotSupportedException _) {
*** Error: Type kaffe/io/CloneNotSupportedException was not found.

Found 1 semantic error compiling "kaffe/io/ByteToCharConverter.java":

    20. abstract public class ByteToCharConverter
        . . .
   161. }
*** Error: A class file was not generated for the type
"kaffe/io/ByteToCharConverter" because a library method that it depends on was
not found. See system messages for more information.

Found 3 semantic errors compiling "kaffe/lang/Application.java":

    77.                 if (!(e instanceof ThreadDeath)) {
*** Error: Type kaffe/lang/ThreadDeath was not found.

   183. public int waitFor() throws InterruptedException {
*** Error: Type kaffe/lang/InterruptedException was not found.

   184.         tid.join();
*** Error: The method "void join();" can throw the checked exception
"java/lang/InterruptedException", but its invocation is neither enclosed in a
try statement that can catch that exception nor in the body of a method or
constructor that "throws" that exception.

Found 1 semantic error compiling "java/lang/SecurityManager.java":

    18. public class SecurityManager {
        . . .
   244. }
*** Error: A class file was not generated for the type
"java/lang/SecurityManager" because a library method that it depends on was not
found. See system messages for more information.

Found 1 semantic error compiling "java/util/ResourceBundle.java":

    17. public abstract class ResourceBundle {
        . . .
   213. }
*** Error: A class file was not generated for the type
"java/util/ResourceBundle" because a library method that it depends on was not
found. See system messages for more information.

Found 2 semantic errors compiling "java/util/regex/Matcher.java":

    50.         if (match == null) throw new IllegalStateException();
*** Error: The type of the expression in this throw statement,
"java/util/regex/IllegalStateException", is not assignable to an exception in
the throws clause of the enclosing method or constructor "void
assertMatchOp();"; nor is it a subclass of RuntimeException or Error.

    50.         if (match == null) throw new IllegalStateException();
*** Error: Type java/util/regex/IllegalStateException was not found.

Found 6 semantic errors compiling "java/io/ObjectStreamField.java":

    88.         /*package*/ ObjectStreamField(String name, byte typeCode, String
                            . . .
   101.         }
*** Error: The blank final field "this.typeCode" is not definitely assigned a
value in this constructor.

    88.         /*package*/ ObjectStreamField(String name, byte typeCode, String
                            . . .
   101.         }
*** Error: The blank final field "this.unshared" is not definitely assigned a
value in this constructor.

    88.         /*package*/ ObjectStreamField(String name, byte typeCode, String
                            . . .
   101.         }
*** Error: The blank final field "this.name" is not definitely assigned a value
in this constructor.

    88.         /*package*/ ObjectStreamField(String name, byte typeCode, String
                            . . .
   101.         }
*** Error: The blank final field "this.type" is not definitely assigned a value
in this constructor.

Seong-beom Kim
Research Engineer
Marusys, Co. Ltd.
Seoul, Korea
+82-2-3445-3999 (117)

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