[kaffe] StreamTokenizing

Dalibor Topic robilad@yahoo.com
Fri, 3 Jan 2003 06:55:58 -0800 (PST)

Hi Andy,

--- Andy Georges <andy.georges@elis.rug.ac.be> wrote: 
> Kaffe was configured with the following options:
> --with-jikes
> The jikes used is Jikes Compiler - Version 1.16 - 10
> July 2002

The version of jikes I'd recommend for compiling the
class library is jikes 1.13. Older versions have
problems. Check out FAQ/FAQ.classlibrary-compile.

Jikes 1.18 creates Java 1.4 class files by default,
and kaffe has some trouble handling them. The solution
is to pass jikes a "-source 1.2" parameter. It's a
little hard to get it through, though. 

If you'd like to help to make it easier, consider
adapting the kaffe/libraries/javalib/rebuildLib script
to use some JIKES_FLAGS environment variable.

best regards,

dalibor topic

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