[kaffe] Next development release planning - 1.1.5

Remy Maucherat remm@apache.org
Fri Apr 2 14:31:07 2004

Jim Pick wrote:
> Hi,
> It's been about 2 months since the last development release - I'd like 
> to do another one.
> I know some people would prefer to see a goal-based development release 
> schedule, as opposed to just releasing every two months.  I'm somewhat 
> biased against that, though, just because it's more work for me, and I 
> think the schedule would slip.  If we did that, I'd have to switch to a 
> mode where we actually planned and scheduled what was going in, and try 
> to drive development to meet deadline.  That might be a good idea, but 
> it's more work, and it's hard to push free software volunteers to meet 
> hard deadlines.  Maybe we can do a little bit more of that while still 
> doing timed releases?  That might be possible if somebody wants to step 
> forward and volunteer to do some project management.
> We need to do a production release sometime, the sooner the better, in 
> my opinion.  I haven't formulated a concrete plan for that one yet, though.
> So here's my proposal:
> How about if we do a feature freeze in three weeks, on Sunday, April 
> 25th, to be followed by an actual release on Sunday, May 2nd?
> (I'd really like to do it a week earlier, but my parents are coming for 
> a visit)

I've always had trouble building on Cygwin. Since I sort of understood 
this was a supported platform, am I doing soemthing wrong ? (or is a fix 
in sight for this release ?)
