[kaffe] CVS kaffe (robilad): Resynced with GNU Classpath: MemoryImageSource reformatted

Kaffe CVS cvs-commits at kaffe.org
Thu Dec 23 12:13:41 PST 2004

PatchSet 5720 
Date: 2004/12/23 20:09:23
Author: robilad
Branch: HEAD
Tag: (none) 
Resynced with GNU Classpath: MemoryImageSource reformatted


Index: kaffe/ChangeLog
diff -u kaffe/ChangeLog:1.3265 kaffe/ChangeLog:1.3266
--- kaffe/ChangeLog:1.3265	Thu Dec 23 20:02:59 2004
+++ kaffe/ChangeLog	Thu Dec 23 20:09:23 2004
@@ -1,5 +1,27 @@
 2004-12-23  Dalibor Topic  <robilad at kaffe.org>
+	* libraries/javalib/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicButtonListener.java,
+	libraries/javalib/javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicButtonUI.java:
+	Resynced with GNU Classpath.
+	2004-12-23  Michael Koch  <konqueror at gmx.de>
+	* javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicButtonListener.java
+	(BasicButtonListener): New constructor.
+	* javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicButtonUI.java
+	(createButtonListener): Usw new BasicButtonListener constructor.
+2004-12-23  Dalibor Topic  <robilad at kaffe.org>
+	* libraries/javalib/java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.java:
+	Resynced with GNU Classpath.
+	2004-12-23  Michael Koch  <konqueror at gmx.de>
+	* java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.java: Reformatted.
+2004-12-23  Dalibor Topic  <robilad at kaffe.org>
 	* libraries/javalib/javax/swing/tree/TreeCellEditor.java:
 	Resynced with GNU Classpath.
Index: kaffe/libraries/javalib/java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.java
diff -u kaffe/libraries/javalib/java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.java:1.12 kaffe/libraries/javalib/java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.java:1.13
--- kaffe/libraries/javalib/java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.java:1.12	Fri Dec  3 23:21:59 2004
+++ kaffe/libraries/javalib/java/awt/image/MemoryImageSource.java	Thu Dec 23 20:09:24 2004
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* MemoryImageSource.java -- Java class for providing image data 
+/* MemoryImageSource.java -- Java class for providing image data
    Copyright (C) 1999, 2004  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 This file is part of GNU Classpath.
@@ -41,335 +41,333 @@
 import java.util.Hashtable;
 import java.util.Vector;
-public class MemoryImageSource implements ImageProducer 
+public class MemoryImageSource implements ImageProducer
-    private boolean animated = false;
-    private boolean fullbuffers = false;
-    private int pixeli[], width, height, offset, scansize;
-    private byte pixelb[];
-    private ColorModel cm;
-    private Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
-    private Vector consumers = new Vector();
-    /**
-     * Construct an image producer that reads image data from a byte
-     * array.
-     *
-     * @param w width of image
-     * @param h height of image
-     * @param cm the color model used to represent pixel values
-     * @param pix a byte array of pixel values
-     * @param off the offset into the array at which the first pixel is stored
-     * @param scan the number of array elements that represents a single pixel row
-     */
-    public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h, ColorModel cm,
-			     byte pix[], int off, int scan)
-    {
-	this ( w, h, cm, pix, off, scan, null );
-    }
-    /**
-       Constructs an ImageProducer from memory
-    */
-    public MemoryImageSource( int w, int h, ColorModel cm,
-			      byte pix[], int off, int scan,
-			      Hashtable props)
-    {
-	width = w;
-	height = h;
-	this.cm = cm;
-	offset = off;
-	scansize = scan;
-	this.props = props;
-	int max = (( scansize > width ) ? scansize : width );
-	pixelb = pix;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Construct an image producer that reads image data from an
-     * integer array.
-     *
-     * @param w width of image
-     * @param h height of image
-     * @param cm the color model used to represent pixel values
-     * @param pix an integer array of pixel values
-     * @param off the offset into the array at which the first pixel is stored
-     * @param scan the number of array elements that represents a single pixel row
-     */
-    public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h, ColorModel cm,
-			     int pix[], int off, int scan)
-    {
-	this ( w, h, cm, pix, off, scan, null );
-    }
-    /**
-       Constructs an ImageProducer from memory
-    */
-    public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h, ColorModel cm,
-			     int pix[], int off, int scan,
-			     Hashtable props)
-    {
-	width = w;
-	height = h;
-	this.cm = cm;
-	offset = off;
-	scansize = scan;
-	this.props = props;
-	int max = (( scansize > width ) ? scansize : width );
-	pixeli = pix;
-    }
-    /**
-       Constructs an ImageProducer from memory using the default RGB ColorModel
-    */
-    public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h,
-			     int pix[], int off, int scan,
-			     Hashtable props)
-    {
-	this ( w, h, ColorModel.getRGBdefault(), pix, off, scan, props);
-    }
-    /**
-       Constructs an ImageProducer from memory using the default RGB ColorModel
-    */
-    public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h,
-			     int pix[], int off, int scan)
-    {
-	this ( w, h, ColorModel.getRGBdefault(), pix, off, scan, null);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Used to register an <code>ImageConsumer</code> with this
-     * <code>ImageProducer</code>.  
-     */
-    public synchronized void addConsumer(ImageConsumer ic) {
-	if (consumers.contains(ic))
-	    return;
-	consumers.addElement(ic);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Used to determine if the given <code>ImageConsumer</code> is
-     * already registered with this <code>ImageProducer</code>.  
-     */
-    public synchronized boolean isConsumer(ImageConsumer ic) {
-	if (consumers.contains(ic))
-	    return true;
-	return false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Used to remove an <code>ImageConsumer</code> from the list of
-     * registered consumers for this <code>ImageProducer</code>.  
-     */
-    public synchronized void removeConsumer(ImageConsumer ic) {
-	consumers.removeElement(ic);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Used to register an <code>ImageConsumer</code> with this
-     * <code>ImageProducer</code> and then immediately start
-     * reconstruction of the image data to be delivered to all
-     * registered consumers.  
-     */
-    public void startProduction(ImageConsumer ic) {
-	if (!(consumers.contains(ic))) {
-	    consumers.addElement(ic);
-	}        
+  private boolean animated = false;
+  private boolean fullbuffers = false;
+  private int[] pixeli;
+  private int width;
+  private int height;
+  private int offset;
+  private int scansize;
+  private byte[] pixelb;
+  private ColorModel cm;
+  private Hashtable props = new Hashtable();
+  private Vector consumers = new Vector();
+  /**
+   * Construct an image producer that reads image data from a byte
+   * array.
+   *
+   * @param w width of image
+   * @param h height of image
+   * @param cm the color model used to represent pixel values
+   * @param pix a byte array of pixel values
+   * @param off the offset into the array at which the first pixel is stored
+   * @param scan the number of array elements that represents a single pixel row
+   */
+  public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h, ColorModel cm, byte[] pix, int off,
+                           int scan)
+  {
+    this(w, h, cm, pix, off, scan, null);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Constructs an ImageProducer from memory
+   */
+  public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h, ColorModel cm, byte[] pix, int off,
+                           int scan, Hashtable props)
+  {
+    width = w;
+    height = h;
+    this.cm = cm;
+    offset = off;
+    scansize = scan;
+    this.props = props;
+    int max = ((scansize > width) ? scansize : width);
+    pixelb = pix;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Construct an image producer that reads image data from an
+   * integer array.
+   *
+   * @param w width of image
+   * @param h height of image
+   * @param cm the color model used to represent pixel values
+   * @param pix an integer array of pixel values
+   * @param off the offset into the array at which the first pixel is stored
+   * @param scan the number of array elements that represents a single pixel row
+   */
+  public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h, ColorModel cm, int[] pix, int off,
+                           int scan)
+  {
+    this(w, h, cm, pix, off, scan, null);
+  }
+  /**
+     Constructs an ImageProducer from memory
+  */
+  public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h, ColorModel cm, int[] pix, int off,
+                           int scan, Hashtable props)
+  {
+    width = w;
+    height = h;
+    this.cm = cm;
+    offset = off;
+    scansize = scan;
+    this.props = props;
+    int max = ((scansize > width) ? scansize : width);
+    pixeli = pix;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Constructs an ImageProducer from memory using the default RGB ColorModel
+   */
+  public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h, int[] pix, int off, int scan,
+                           Hashtable props)
+  {
+    this(w, h, ColorModel.getRGBdefault(), pix, off, scan, props);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Constructs an ImageProducer from memory using the default RGB ColorModel
+   */
+  public MemoryImageSource(int w, int h, int[] pix, int off, int scan)
+  {
+    this(w, h, ColorModel.getRGBdefault(), pix, off, scan, null);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Used to register an <code>ImageConsumer</code> with this
+   * <code>ImageProducer</code>.
+   */
+  public synchronized void addConsumer(ImageConsumer ic)
+  {
+    if (consumers.contains(ic))
+      return;
+    consumers.addElement(ic);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Used to determine if the given <code>ImageConsumer</code> is
+   * already registered with this <code>ImageProducer</code>.
+   */
+  public synchronized boolean isConsumer(ImageConsumer ic)
+  {
+    if (consumers.contains(ic))
+      return true;
+    return false;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Used to remove an <code>ImageConsumer</code> from the list of
+   * registered consumers for this <code>ImageProducer</code>.
+   */
+  public synchronized void removeConsumer(ImageConsumer ic)
+  {
+    consumers.removeElement(ic);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Used to register an <code>ImageConsumer</code> with this
+   * <code>ImageProducer</code> and then immediately start
+   * reconstruction of the image data to be delivered to all
+   * registered consumers.
+   */
+  public void startProduction(ImageConsumer ic)
+  {
+    if (! (consumers.contains(ic)))
+      consumers.addElement(ic);
+    Vector list = (Vector) consumers.clone();
+    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
+      {
+	ic = (ImageConsumer) list.elementAt(i);
+	sendPicture(ic);
+	if (animated)
+	  ic.imageComplete(ImageConsumer.SINGLEFRAME);
+	else
+	  ic.imageComplete(ImageConsumer.STATICIMAGEDONE);
+      }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Used to register an <code>ImageConsumer</code> with this
+   * <code>ImageProducer</code> and then request that this producer
+   * resend the image data in the order top-down, left-right.
+   */
+  public void requestTopDownLeftRightResend(ImageConsumer ic)
+  {
+    startProduction(ic);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Changes a flag to indicate whether this MemoryImageSource supports
+   * animations.
+   *
+   * @param animated A flag indicating whether this class supports animations
+   */
+  public synchronized void setAnimated(boolean animated)
+  {
+    this.animated = animated;
+  }
+  /**
+   * A flag to indicate whether or not to send full buffer updates when
+   * sending animation. If this flag is set then full buffers are sent
+   * in the newPixels methods instead of just regions.
+   *
+   * @param fullbuffers - a flag indicating whether to send the full buffers
+   */
+  public synchronized void setFullBufferUpdates(boolean fullbuffers)
+  {
+    this.fullbuffers = fullbuffers;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Send an animation frame to the image consumers.
+   */
+  public void newPixels()
+  {
+    if (animated == true)
+      {
+	ImageConsumer ic;
 	Vector list = (Vector) consumers.clone();
-	for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
+	for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
+	  {
 	    ic = (ImageConsumer) list.elementAt(i);
-	    sendPicture( ic );
-            if (animated)
-              ic.imageComplete( ImageConsumer.SINGLEFRAME );
-            else
-              ic.imageComplete( ImageConsumer.STATICIMAGEDONE );
-	}	
-    }
-    /**
-     * Used to register an <code>ImageConsumer</code> with this
-     * <code>ImageProducer</code> and then request that this producer
-     * resend the image data in the order top-down, left-right.  
-     */
-    public void requestTopDownLeftRightResend(ImageConsumer ic) {
-	startProduction ( ic );
-    }
-    /**
-       Changes a flag to indicate whether this MemoryImageSource supports
-       animations.
-       @param animated A flag indicating whether this class supports animations
-     */    
-    public synchronized void setAnimated(boolean animated)
-    {
-	this.animated = animated;
-    }
-    /**
-       A flag to indicate whether or not to send full buffer updates when
-       sending animation. If this flag is set then full buffers are sent
-       in the newPixels methods instead of just regions.
-       @param fullbuffers - a flag indicating whether to send the full buffers 
-     */
-    public synchronized void setFullBufferUpdates(boolean fullbuffers)
-    {
-	this.fullbuffers = fullbuffers;
-    }
-    /**
-       Send an animation frame to the image consumers.
-     */
-    public void newPixels()
-    {
-	if( animated == true ) {
-		ImageConsumer ic;
-		Vector list = (Vector) consumers.clone();
-		for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
-			ic = (ImageConsumer) list.elementAt(i);
-			sendPicture( ic );
-			ic.imageComplete( ImageConsumer.SINGLEFRAME );
-		    }	
-	    }
-    }
-    private void sendPicture ( ImageConsumer ic )
-    {
-	ic.setHints( ImageConsumer.TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT );
-	if( props != null ) {
-	    ic.setProperties( props );
-	}
-	ic.setDimensions(width, height);
-	ic.setColorModel(cm);
-	if( pixeli != null ) {
-	    ic.setPixels( 0, 0, width, height, cm, pixeli, offset, scansize );
-	} else {
-	    ic.setPixels( 0, 0, width, height, cm, pixelb, offset, scansize );
-	}
-    }
-    /**
-       Send an animation frame to the image consumers containing the specified
-       pixels unless setFullBufferUpdates is set.
-     */
-    public synchronized void newPixels(int x,
-				       int y,
-				       int w,
-				       int h)
-    {
-	if( animated == true )
-	    {
-		if( fullbuffers ) {
-		    newPixels();
-		} else {
-		    ImageConsumer ic;
-		    Vector list = (Vector) consumers.clone();
-		    for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
-			    ic = (ImageConsumer) list.elementAt(i);
-			    ic.setHints( ImageConsumer.TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT );
-			    if( props != null ) {
-				ic.setProperties( props );
-			    }
-			    if( pixeli != null ) {
-				int[] pixelbuf = new int[w * h];
-				for (int row = y; row < y + h; row++)
-				    System.arraycopy(pixeli, row * scansize + x + offset, pixelbuf, 0, w * h);
-				ic.setPixels( x, y, w, h, cm, pixelbuf, 0, w );
-			    } else {
-				byte[] pixelbuf = new byte[w * h];
-				for (int row = y; row < y + h; row++)
-                                  System.arraycopy(pixelb, row * scansize + x + offset, pixelbuf, 0, w * h);
-				ic.setPixels( x, y, w, h, cm, pixelbuf, 0, w );
-			    }
-			    ic.imageComplete( ImageConsumer.SINGLEFRAME );
-		    }
-		}     
-	    }
-    }
-    /**
-       Send an animation frame to the image consumers containing the specified
-       pixels unless setFullBufferUpdates is set.
-       If framenotify is set then a notification is sent when the frame 
-       is sent otherwise no status is sent.
-     */
-    public synchronized void newPixels(int x,
-				       int y,
-				       int w,
-				       int h,
-				       boolean framenotify)
-    {
-	if( animated == true )
-	    {
-		if( fullbuffers ) {
-		    newPixels();
-		} else {
-		    ImageConsumer ic;
-		    Vector list = (Vector) consumers.clone();
-		    for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {
-			    ic = (ImageConsumer) list.elementAt(i);
-			    ic.setHints( ImageConsumer.TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT );
-			    if( props != null ) {
-				ic.setProperties( props );
-			    }
-			    if( pixeli != null ) {
-				int[] pixelbuf = new int[w * h];
-				for (int row = y; row < y + h; row++)
-				    System.arraycopy(pixeli, row * scansize + x + offset, pixelbuf, 0, w * h);
-				ic.setPixels( x, y, w, h, cm, pixelbuf, 0, w );
-			    } else {
-				byte[] pixelbuf = new byte[w * h];
-				for (int row = y; row < y + h; row++)
-				    System.arraycopy(pixelb, row * scansize + x + offset, pixelbuf, 0, w * h);
-				ic.setPixels( x, y, w, h, cm, pixelbuf, 0, w );
-			    }
-			    if( framenotify == true )
-				ic.imageComplete( ImageConsumer.SINGLEFRAME );
-		    }
-		}     
-	    }
-    }
-    public synchronized void newPixels(byte newpix[],
-				       ColorModel newmodel,
-				       int offset,
-				       int scansize)
-    {
-	pixeli = null;
-	pixelb = newpix;
-	cm = newmodel;
-	this.offset = offset;
-	this.scansize = scansize;
-	if( animated == true )
-	    {
-		newPixels();
-	    }
-    }
-    public synchronized void newPixels(int newpix[],
-				       ColorModel newmodel,
-				       int offset,
-				       int scansize)
-    {
-	pixelb = null;
-	pixeli = newpix;
-	cm = newmodel;
-	this.offset = offset;
-	this.scansize = scansize;
-	if( animated == true )
-	    {
-		newPixels();
-	    }
-    }
+	    sendPicture(ic);
+	    ic.imageComplete(ImageConsumer.SINGLEFRAME);
+	  }
+      }
+  }
+  private void sendPicture(ImageConsumer ic)
+  {
+    ic.setHints(ImageConsumer.TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT);
+    if (props != null)
+      ic.setProperties(props);
+    ic.setDimensions(width, height);
+    ic.setColorModel(cm);
+    if (pixeli != null)
+      ic.setPixels(0, 0, width, height, cm, pixeli, offset, scansize);
+    else
+      ic.setPixels(0, 0, width, height, cm, pixelb, offset, scansize);
+  }
+  /**
+   * Send an animation frame to the image consumers containing the specified
+   * pixels unless setFullBufferUpdates is set.
+   */
+  public synchronized void newPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h)
+  {
+    if (animated == true)
+      {
+	if (fullbuffers)
+	  newPixels();
+	else
+	  {
+	    ImageConsumer ic;
+	    Vector list = (Vector) consumers.clone();
+	    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
+	      {
+		ic = (ImageConsumer) list.elementAt(i);
+		ic.setHints(ImageConsumer.TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT);
+		if (props != null)
+		  ic.setProperties(props);
+		if (pixeli != null)
+		  {
+		    int[] pixelbuf = new int[w * h];
+		    for (int row = y; row < y + h; row++)
+		      System.arraycopy(pixeli, row * scansize + x + offset,
+		                       pixelbuf, 0, w * h);
+		    ic.setPixels(x, y, w, h, cm, pixelbuf, 0, w);
+		  }
+		else
+		  {
+		    byte[] pixelbuf = new byte[w * h];
+		    for (int row = y; row < y + h; row++)
+		      System.arraycopy(pixelb, row * scansize + x + offset,
+		                       pixelbuf, 0, w * h);
+		    ic.setPixels(x, y, w, h, cm, pixelbuf, 0, w);
+		  }
+		ic.imageComplete(ImageConsumer.SINGLEFRAME);
+	      }
+	  }
+      }
+  }
+  /**
+   * Send an animation frame to the image consumers containing the specified
+   * pixels unless setFullBufferUpdates is set.
+   *
+   * If framenotify is set then a notification is sent when the frame
+   * is sent otherwise no status is sent.
+   */
+  public synchronized void newPixels(int x, int y, int w, int h,
+                                     boolean framenotify)
+  {
+    if (animated == true)
+      {
+	if (fullbuffers)
+	  newPixels();
+	else
+	  {
+	    ImageConsumer ic;
+	    Vector list = (Vector) consumers.clone();
+	    for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++)
+	      {
+		ic = (ImageConsumer) list.elementAt(i);
+		ic.setHints(ImageConsumer.TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT);
+		if (props != null)
+		  ic.setProperties(props);
+		if (pixeli != null)
+		  {
+		    int[] pixelbuf = new int[w * h];
+		    for (int row = y; row < y + h; row++)
+		      System.arraycopy(pixeli, row * scansize + x + offset,
+		                       pixelbuf, 0, w * h);
+		    ic.setPixels(x, y, w, h, cm, pixelbuf, 0, w);
+		  }
+		else
+		  {
+		    byte[] pixelbuf = new byte[w * h];
+		    for (int row = y; row < y + h; row++)
+		      System.arraycopy(pixelb, row * scansize + x + offset,
+		                       pixelbuf, 0, w * h);
+		    ic.setPixels(x, y, w, h, cm, pixelbuf, 0, w);
+		  }
+		if (framenotify == true)
+		  ic.imageComplete(ImageConsumer.SINGLEFRAME);
+	      }
+	  }
+      }
+  }
+  public synchronized void newPixels(byte[] newpix, ColorModel newmodel,
+                                     int offset, int scansize)
+  {
+    pixeli = null;
+    pixelb = newpix;
+    cm = newmodel;
+    this.offset = offset;
+    this.scansize = scansize;
+    if (animated == true)
+      newPixels();
+  }
+  public synchronized void newPixels(int[] newpix, ColorModel newmodel,
+                                     int offset, int scansize)
+  {
+    pixelb = null;
+    pixeli = newpix;
+    cm = newmodel;
+    this.offset = offset;
+    this.scansize = scansize;
+    if (animated == true)
+      newPixels();
+  }

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