[kaffe] NEWS: GCJ's java-gui-branch runs on Kaffe.

jserv at linux2.cc.ntu.edu.tw jserv at linux2.cc.ntu.edu.tw
Wed Jun 9 18:34:02 PDT 2004

Hello all,

  I updated the tarball according to minor changes of GCJ's
java-gui-branch, and apply Dalibor Topic's holdsLock pure java
implementation[1]. Now, both AWT and Swing in java-gui-branch
are successfully compiled and working with cvs version of Kaffe.

  The tarball locates in the following URL:


  I think it's good alternative for GCJ hackers to test AWT/Swing
on Kaffe now since only minor fixes are required.

Jim Huang 

[1] http://www.kaffe.org/pipermail/kaffe/2004-June/046563.html

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