[kaffe] Re: Threads in Kaffe

Riccardo zuse at libero.it
Mon Jun 28 13:29:35 PDT 2004

In <Pine.GSO.4.33.0406281550370.20956-100000 at acad1> Vijay Deep  wrote:
> 	I am working on a project which needs JVM to work without the
> support of Operating Systems. The JVM I am working with uses Pthreads 
> of Linux and hence I am unable to compile it with a cross compiler. I 
> wanted to know what threads kaffe uses. Is it green threads or 
> Operating System threads. Green Threads work without the help of 
> Operating Systems. I saw the latest Kaffe VM supports Pthreads.  So if 
> any version of Kaffe uses green threads or any other threads which are 
> independent of the Operating system please mention it, I shall use 
> Kaffe JVM.

Kaffe supports both and the current default is jthreads. Dalibor wants 
to officially switch to pthreads, I don't yet know if this is a good 
idea. In any case both are available.


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