[kaffe] Saxon 7.9.1 does not work

Ito Kazumitsu ito.kazumitsu at mail.hidec.co.jp
Mon May 31 17:38:03 PDT 2004

In message "Re: [kaffe] Saxon 7.9.1 does not work"
    on 04/06/01, Ito Kazumitsu <kaz at maczuka.gcd.org> writes:

> When run with kaffe of 2004-05-14:
> bash-2.05b$ java Test 0
> file:/home/kaz/javatest/0
> When run with kaffe of 2004-05-27:
> bash-2.05b$ java Test 0
> file:#/home/kaz/javatest/0

This is the cause of the problem.

  public URI(String scheme, String ssp, String fragment)
    throws URISyntaxException
    this((scheme == null ? "" : scheme + ":")
         + (ssp == null ? "" : quote(ssp))
         + (fragment == null ? "" : "#" + quote(fragment)));

  public URI toURI()
    String abspath = getAbsolutePath();

    if (isDirectory())
      abspath = abspath + separator;

        return new URI("file", "", abspath.replace(separatorChar, '/'));
    catch (URISyntaxException use)
        // Can't happen.
        throw (InternalError) new InternalError("Unconvertible file: "
                                                + this).initCause(use);


  new File("something").toURI()
   --> new URI("file", "", "someabspath")
        --> "file:#someabspath"

java.io.File.java's toURI() must
   return new URI(
     "file", null, abspath.replace(separatorChar, '/'), null, null)

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