[kaffe] Latest CVS with linux/ia32

Kiyo Inaba inaba at src.ricoh.co.jp
Tue Oct 19 18:48:42 PDT 2004

Hi Guilhem and all,

I have narrowed down when this problem was introduced on RH8.0.

When the ChangeLog head is
    2004-10-12  Dalibor Topic <robilad at kaffe.org>

        * libraries/clib/native/ZipFile.c
        Use '\0' for an empty string to fix compiler warning.
the regression test result is
    8 of 144 tests failed
    Please report to kaffe at kaffe.org
And failed test cases are
    UDPTest.java		SoTimeout.java
    KaffeVerifyBug.java		InetSocketAddressTest.java
    InterfaceSuperClass.java	ImplementClass.java
    FieldErrors.java		MethodErrors.java

The later four cases are common because I used kjc.

On the other hand, if the ChangeLog head is
    2004-10-12  Guilhem Lavaux  <guilhem at kaffe.org>

        * kaffe/kaffevm/thread.c
the regression test result is
    115 of 144 tests failed
    Please report to kaffe at kaffe.org
And typical errors are
    error compiling:
    Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
    Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.
    Internal error: caught an unexpected exception.
    Please check your CLASSPATH and your installation.

So, I am sure it was caused by your mod to pthread.
Additionally, I configured to use unix-jthreads but the result has some funny
output. Detailed report later.



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