[kaffe] Jazzelle

pancake sergipop at mx3.redestb.es
Mon Sep 11 10:12:12 PDT 2006

I would like to see Java apps running faster on ARM9 chips with the Jazzelle extension.
BTW looks, like this must be implemented inside the kernel and adapt the VM to take
care on it.

I was looking (few time ago) for documentation about jazzelle..but nothing interesting
was found. Looks like they'r hiding info about how it works. AFAIK symbian is the only OS
implementing this extension.

 - http://www.kaffe.org/pipermail/kaffe/2005-February/101634.html

No idea if ARM guys wanna change free this stuff...but IMHO they MUST do.

Anyone knows something about this? (Hope nokia implements a GPL version of this for the
next release for n770).


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