[kaffe] Error during make check

sreejith k s sreejithvadhyar at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 04:09:31 PST 2008

 while i was running make check command ,showed the following error...

bc:     popl esi
bc:     popl edi
bc:     movl ebp,esp
bc:     popl ebp
bd:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating Exceptions.int_exception1(I)I (static) 0x815d660
Success 00000002
  field: test_0__int_exception2 = 0x00000002
callinfo = 0xbfcfc980
Method: Exceptions.int_exception2(I)I
 L0:  2 L1:  1
@0:     iinc 0 1
@3:     new 22
@6:     dup
@7:     invokespecial 26
@10:    athrow
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 12(ebp),eax
1a:     cmpl esp,eax
20:     jugt +5
25:     call soft_stackoverflow
2b:     addl #1,ebx
31:     movl ebx,8(ebp)
36:     pushl #135303796
3b:     call ?
41:     addl 4,esp
47:     movl eax,-12(ebp)
4d:     movl eax,-8(ebp)
53:     cmpl #0,eax
59:     jne L3
5e:     call ?
64:     pushl 12(ebp)
6a:     pushl -8(ebp)
70:     movl esi,-4(ebp)
76:     movl ebx,8(ebp)
7b:     call ?
81:     addl 8,esp
87:     pushl -12(ebp)
8c:     call ?
92:     addl 4,esp
@11:    astore 1
@12:    iinc 0 1
@15:    iload 0
@16:    ireturn
a2:     movl ebp,ecx
a2:     subl #?,ecx
a2:     subl #3*SLOTSIZE,ecx
a2:     movl ecx,esp
a8:     movl -4(ebp),esi
ae:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
b4:     addl #1,ebx
b6:     movl ebx,eax
bb:     jmpl L8
bc:     popl ebx
bc:     popl esi
bc:     popl edi
bc:     movl ebp,esp
bc:     popl ebp
bd:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating Exceptions.int_exception2(I)I (static) 0x815d820
Success 00000002
  field: test_0__int_exception3 = 0x00000002
callinfo = 0xbfcfc980
Method: Exceptions.int_exception3(I)I
 L0:  2 L1:  1
@0:     iinc 0 1
@3:     new 22
@6:     dup
@7:     invokespecial 26
@10:    athrow
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 12(ebp),eax
1a:     cmpl esp,eax
20:     jugt +5
25:     call soft_stackoverflow
2b:     addl #1,ebx
31:     movl ebx,8(ebp)
36:     pushl #135303796
3b:     call ?
41:     addl 4,esp
47:     movl eax,-12(ebp)
4d:     movl eax,-8(ebp)
53:     cmpl #0,eax
59:     jne L3
5e:     call ?
64:     pushl 12(ebp)
6a:     pushl -8(ebp)
70:     movl esi,-4(ebp)
76:     movl ebx,8(ebp)
7b:     call ?
81:     addl 8,esp
87:     pushl -12(ebp)
8c:     call ?
92:     addl 4,esp
@11:    astore 1
@12:    iinc 0 1
@15:    iload 0
@16:    ireturn
a2:     movl ebp,ecx
a2:     subl #?,ecx
a2:     subl #3*SLOTSIZE,ecx
a2:     movl ecx,esp
a8:     movl -4(ebp),esi
ae:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
b4:     addl #1,ebx
b6:     movl ebx,eax
bb:     jmpl L8
bc:     popl ebx
bc:     popl esi
bc:     popl edi
bc:     movl ebp,esp
bc:     popl ebp
bd:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating Exceptions.int_exception3(I)I (static) 0x815d9e0
Success 00000002
class: VirtualMethod
  field: test_0__base_fact = 0x00000001
callinfo = 0xbfcfc980
Method: VirtualMethod.base_fact(I)I
 L0:  1 L1:  1
@0:     new 2
@3:     dup
@4:     invokespecial 32
@7:     astore 1
@8:     aload 1
@9:     iload 0
@10:    invokevirtual 24
@13:    ireturn
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 12(ebp),eax
1a:     cmpl esp,eax
20:     jugt +5
25:     call soft_stackoverflow
2a:     pushl #135731892
2f:     call ?
35:     addl 4,esp
3b:     movl eax,-12(ebp)
41:     movl eax,-8(ebp)
47:     cmpl #0,eax
4d:     jne L3
52:     call ?
58:     pushl 12(ebp)
5e:     pushl -8(ebp)
64:     call *8160a8c
6a:     addl 8,esp
70:     movl -12(ebp),eax
72:     movl eax,esi
74:     movl (esi),eax
7a:     movl 28(eax),eax
80:     pushl 12(ebp)
81:     pushl ebx
82:     pushl esi
84:     call eax
8a:     addl 12,esp
8f:     jmpl L5
90:     popl ebx
90:     popl esi
90:     popl edi
90:     movl ebp,esp
90:     popl ebp
91:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating VirtualMethod.base_fact(I)I (static) 0x8171b88
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x8160a78, where 0x8160a8c, native code
callinfo = 0xbfcfc828
Method: VirtualMethod.<init>()V
 L0:  1
@0:     aload 0
@1:     invokespecial 34
@4:     return
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 8(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 12(ebp),eax
1a:     cmpl esp,eax
20:     jugt +5
25:     call soft_stackoverflow
2b:     movl ebx,-4(ebp)
31:     cmpl #0,ebx
37:     jne L2
3c:     call ?
41:     jmpl L4
42:     popl ebx
42:     popl esi
42:     popl edi
42:     movl ebp,esp
42:     popl ebp
43:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating VirtualMethod.<init>()V (normal) 0x8175bc8
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x8175bc8
soft_fixup_trampoline(): meth 0x81609c8, where 0x817c338, native code
callinfo = 0xbfcfc824
Method: VirtualMethod.fact(I)I
 L0:  2 L1:  3
@0:     iload 1
@1:     iconst 1
@2:     if_icmpeq 9
c:      pushl ebp
c:      movl esp,ebp
c:      subl #?,esp
c:      pushl edi
c:      pushl esi
c:      pushl ebx
12:     movl 12(ebp),ebx
18:     movl 8(ebp),esi
1e:     movl 16(ebp),eax
20:     cmpl esp,eax
26:     jugt +5
2b:     call soft_stackoverflow
31:     cmpl #1,ebx
37:     je L2
@5:     iload 1
@6:     ifne 11
3d:     cmpl #0,ebx
43:     jne L3
@9:     iconst 1
@10:    ireturn
48:     movl #1,eax
4d:     jmpl L4
53:     movl eax,-12(ebp)
@11:    aload 0
@12:    iload 1
@13:    iconst 1
@14:    isub
@15:    invokevirtual 24
@18:    iload 1
@19:    imul
@20:    ireturn
55:     movl ebx,eax
5b:     subl #1,eax
5d:     movl (esi),ecx
63:     movl 28(ecx),ecx
69:     pushl 16(ebp)
6a:     pushl eax
6b:     pushl esi
6d:     call ecx
73:     addl 12,esp
76:     imull ebx,eax
7b:     jmpl L5
7c:     popl ebx
7c:     popl esi
7c:     popl edi
7c:     movl ebp,esp
7c:     popl ebp
7d:     ret
Method Constant Pool:
Translating VirtualMethod.fact(I)I (normal) 0x81817d0
soft_fixup_trampoline(): return 0x81817d0
Success 00000001
  field: test_1__base_fact = 0x00000001
Success 00000001
  field: test_2__base_fact = 0x00000002
Success 00000002
  field: test_3__base_fact = 0x00000006
Success 00000006
  field: test_4__base_fact = 0x00000018
Success 00000018
  field: test_5__base_fact = 0x00000078
Success 00000078
PASS: jitBasic
All 1 tests passed
make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
Making check in regression
make[4]: Entering directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
Making check in compile_time
make[5]: Entering directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
make[5]: Nothing to be done for `check'.
make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
Making check in run_time
make[5]: Entering directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
make[5]: Nothing to be done for `check'.
make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
Making check in compiler
make[5]: Entering directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
make[5]: Nothing to be done for `check'.
make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
make[5]: Entering directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
make  check-TESTS
make[6]: Entering directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
PASS: HelloWorldApp.class.save
PASS: HelloWorldApp.java
PASS: MultiArray.java
PASS: RefTest.java
PASS: TestIntLong.java
PASS: TestFloatDouble.java
PASS: DoubleCvt.java
PASS: DoubleNeg.java
PASS: DoubleConst.java
PASS: DoublePrint.java
PASS: DoubleComp.java
PASS: ModuloTest.java
PASS: LongNeg.java
PASS: FPUStack.java
PASS: NegativeDivideConst.java
PASS: divtest.java
PASS: DoubleIEEE.java
PASS: Str.java
PASS: Str2.java
PASS: InternHog.java
PASS: IndexTest.java
PASS: StackDump.java
PASS: CatchLimits.class.save
PASS: tname.java
PASS: ttest.java
PASS: ThreadInterrupt.java
PASS: ThreadState.java
PASS: UncaughtException.java
PASS: IllegalWait.java
PASS: WaitTest.java
PASS: Preempt.java
PASS: TestSerializable.java
PASS: TestSerializable2.java
PASS: SerializationCompatibility.java
PASS: SerialPersistentFields.java
PASS: TestSerialVersions.java
PASS: TestSerialPersistent.java
PASS: TestSerialFields.java
PASS: TestObjectStreamField.java
PASS: ReflectInterfaces.java
PASS: InnerTest.java
PASS: SerialUID.java
PASS: TestCasts.java
PASS: Alias.java
PASS: NullPointerTest.java
PASS: NullInvoke.java
PASS: TableSwitch.java
PASS: LostFrame.java
PASS: ConstructorTest.java
PASS: burford.java
PASS: IllegalInterface.java
PASS: GetInterfaces.java
PASS: IntfTest.java
PASS: SignedShort.java
PASS: CharCvt.java
PASS: BadFloatTest.java
PASS: ProcessTest.java
PASS: UDPTest.java
FAIL: SoTimeout.java
PASS: wc.java
PASS: FileTest.java
PASS: FileChecks.java
PASS: finalexc.java
PASS: finaltest.java
PASS: finaltest2.java
PASS: forNameTest.java
PASS: LoaderTest.java
PASS: ArrayForName.java
PASS: KaffeVerifyBug.java
PASS: Schtum.java
PASS: Reflect.java
PASS: MethodBug.java
PASS: Bean.java
PASS: SortTest.java
PASS: ArraysTest.java
PASS: SubListTest.java
PASS: HashTest.java
PASS: SecureRandomTest.java
PASS: MapTest.java
PASS: URLTest.java
PASS: PropertiesTest.java
PASS: ReaderTest.java
PASS: CharArrayReaderTest.java
PASS: LineNumberReaderTest.java
PASS: BufferedReaderTest.java
PASS: ReaderReadVoidTest.java
PASS: InputStreamTest.java
PASS: BufferedInputStreamAvailableTest.java
PASS: PipeTest.java
PASS: DateFormatTest.java
PASS: GetField.java
PASS: LostTrampolineFrame.java
PASS: NetworkInterfaceTest.java
PASS: InetAddressTest.java
PASS: InetSocketAddressTest.java
PASS: ShutdownHookTest.java
PASS: TestMessageFormat.java
PASS: ReflectInvoke.java
PASS: InvTarExcTest.java
PASS: DeleteFile.java
PASS: PrimordialLoaderTest.java
PASS: SystemLoaderTest.java
PASS: NoClassDefTest.java
PASS: CLTest.java
PASS: CLTestConc.java
PASS: CLTestJLock.java
PASS: CLTestLie.java
PASS: CLTestFindLoaded.java
PASS: ClassDeadLock.java
PASS: ExceptionTest.java
PASS: ExceptionTestClassLoader.java
PASS: ExceptionTestClassLoader2.java
PASS: TestClassRef.java
PASS: ClassGC.java
PASS: GCTest.java
PASS: ThreadLocalTest.java
PASS: BeanBug.java
PASS: BitSetTest.java
PASS: ExceptionInInitializerTest.java
PASS: InitTest.java
PASS: CLInitThrow.java
PASS: ProcessClassTest.java
PASS: ProcessClassInst.java
PASS: ProcessClassStop.java
PASS: FindSystemClass.java
PASS: ProcessClassLockTest.java
PASS: DoubleBug.java
PASS: TestUnlock.java
PASS: MarkResetTest.java
PASS: HashtableTest1.java
PASS: ReflectMultiArray.java
PASS: ExecTest.java
PASS: BadClassVersion.java
PASS: InterfaceSuperClass.java
PASS: ImplementClass.java
PASS: FieldErrors.java
PASS: MethodErrors.java
PASS: ProhibitedClass.java
PASS: KaffeInternal.java
PASS: SecurityMan.java
PASS: SecurityMan2.java
PASS: CatchDeath.java
PASS: DeadThread.java
PASS: tthrd1.java
PASS: DosTimeVerify.java
PASS: ZipVerify.java
PASS: ZipTest.java
PASS: TruncatedClass.java
PASS: TestNative.java
PASS: TestGnuCrypto.java
1 of 150 tests failed
Please report to kaffe at kaffe.org
make[6]: *** [check-TESTS] Error 1
make[6]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
make[5]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make[5]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
make[4]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
make[4]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7
make[3]: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
make[3]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7/test'
make[2]: *** [check-local] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7'
make[1]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/sreejith/Desktop/kaffe-1.1.7'
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1

Please help me solve this error..

Sreejith K.S -
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