[kaffe] org.kaffe.security.provider.Kaffe

Dalibor Topic robilad at kaffe.org
Sun Jan 20 08:43:49 PST 2008

Ito Kazumitsu wrote:
> Maybe after the removal of libraries/clib/security/Kaffe.security,
> this warning message appears:
> WARNING: Error loading security provider org.kaffe.security.provider.Kaffe:
>  java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.kaffe.security.provider.Kaffe
>  not found in java.lang.ClassLoader$1{urls=[...], parent=null}
> I cannot find where org.kaffe.security.provider.Kaffe is defined.

I've removed the class (and the provided algorithms) from CVS head, as 
there is a security provider implementation in GNU Classpath, along with 
the same algorithms, as far as I can tell.

I've also removed Kaffe.security, since we should use the security 
policy file from Classpath.

I've left in the Kaffe secure random source, for now, as there is no GNU 
Classpath equivalent yet, as far I've seen.

dalibor topic

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