Bug in Jitter

Godmar Back gback at cs.utah.edu
Tue Jul 7 02:20:08 PDT 1998

 Hi, I modified Laurent's test case somewhat and found a bug in the jitter
that I don't know how to fix.  Basically, the jitter forgets to save
a register, then a null pointer exception happens, the exception is
caught, but the register contents are unavailable.   The register in
question happens to contain the return address for a RET instruction.

I suspect the proper fix would be to ensure that all live registers are 
written to memory whenever an exception, including a null pointer exception,
may occur.  

	- Godmar

Here is the example:

---- begin of ft.java ----
import java.io.*;

public class ft {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  new ft();

 public ft() {

 public String tryfinally()
  String yuck = null;
  try {
   return "I can handle that";
  finally {
   try {
    /* this triggers a null pointer exception */
    String x = yuck.toLowerCase();	
   /* the exception is caught, and we should return from the finally
    * clause.  Kaffe's jitter loses local register 4 in which the ret addr
    * is kept.
   catch (Exception e) {}
---- end of ft.java ----

The bytecode looks like this:

Method java.lang.String tryfinally()
   0 aconst_null
   1 astore_1
   2 ldc #1 <String "I can handle that">
   4 astore_2
   5 jsr 16
   8 aload_2
   9 areturn
  10 astore_3
  11 jsr 16
  14 aload_3
  15 athrow
  16 astore 4
  18 aload_1
  19 invokevirtual #12 <Method java.lang.String toLowerCase()>
  22 pop
  23 goto 27
  26 pop
  27 ret 4
Exception table:
   from   to  target type
     2    10    10   any
    18    23    26   <Class java.lang.Exception>

Here is what Kaffe jits - I only show the part starting from instruction 16:
Note that there are five locals, with offsets -84, -80, -76, -72, and -68.
Local register four has offset -68.  The top of the stack has offset -64.

#	astore 4
8e:     movl -64(ebp),ebx	# that's the ASTORE 4 instruction
90:     movl ebx,esi		# the value of local register 4 is now in esi

# if an exception happens now, the exception handler (instruction 26/27)
# will look for local register 4 in -68(ebp) -- but we haven't written it
# there!

#	aload_1
96:     movl -80(ebp),edi
98:     movl edi,ebx

#	invokevirtual	<Method java.lang.String toLowerCase()>
9a:     movl (ebx),eax		# here, a null pointer exception is triggered.
a0:     movl 156(eax),ecx	# it is caught at instruction 26
a2:     pushl ebx

a8:     movl esi,-68(ebp)	# esi is written to the stack, but it's too late
ae:     movl eax,-56(ebp)
b0:     call ecx
b6:     addl 4,esp
#	pop
#	goto 27
bb:     jmpl ?

#	pop

#	exception handler prologue
c9:     movl ebp,esp
c9:     subl #?,esp
c9:     subl #3*SLOTSIZE,esp

#	ret 4
cf:     movl -68(ebp),edx	# we look for the value of local reg 4 
d1:     jmp (edx) 		# in -68(ebp), but it was never written there

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