Which platform kaffe works?

Daniel Veillard Daniel.Veillard at w3.org
Sat Jul 18 19:42:43 PDT 1998

> 	I was have to build (and finally make it working) a statically
> 	linked version of Kaffe for a linux/arm port.

  Cool, the owners of Netwinders will be happy !

> 	I basically had to update the list of native methods
> 	(libraries/clib/native/external_wrapper.h) and fix
> 	one line in the Runtime class (if I remember correctly)
> 	to don't complain if there aren't any external libraries
> 	to load.

  I guess the former is already fixed, not the latter, please forward
your patch, thanks,


Daniel.Veillard at w3.org | W3C  MIT/LCS  NE43-344  | Today's Bookmarks :
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