Cross-compiling Kaffe?

Michael Schröder Michael.Schroeder at
Wed Jun 10 07:35:09 PDT 1998

Kiyo Inaba wrote:

> >it also raises challenging technical questions.  For example, What is a
> >class file in a filesystem-less environment?
> You can put everything into one zip'ed "file". And put it into
> a certain memory segment on your machine. Then, each class in
> the zip'ed memory segment can be accessed. I've not used this
> technique for kaffe, but I used this idea before.

I tried to do this a while ago and it worked fine.
All I did was to convert the into an array with a tiny tool
called file2c or so.
Then I included this file into zextract.c.

After that zextract was changed to read from this array instead of getting
data from the filesystem
by replacing read/write/seek operations.
Also the classpath-type had to be modified somehow.

But this solution was not used in my project, because all the needed
classes had to be in memory
twice: in the zip-archive and loaded into kaffe.

Michael Schröder

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