sigsetjmp & sigaction survey

Godmar Back gback at
Wed Jan 27 21:58:41 PST 1999

Two questions:

1. Is anybody using kaffe on a system that does not have sigsetjmp/siglongjmp?

2. Is anybody using kaffe on a system that does not support sigaction?
2a. On such a system, can you achieve the effect of sa_mask somehow?

The reason I'm asking is because Pat wrote an optimized version of
jthreads that uses sigsetjmp and avoids saving the signal state in many
cases where we switch threads.  On FreeBSD, this cuts thread switching 
time from 1400 to 450 cycles, and we may be able to go down to 180 cycles,
as measured from Java.

Now why we would optimize thread switching when the rest of kaffe
still sucks so much, don't ask.  The answer is:  research.

	- Godmar

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