[kaffe] Problem when trying to run in debug mode

Parthasarathy G parthasarathy.gopalakrishnan at wipro.com
Fri May 3 04:22:09 PDT 2002


Thanks for the help, now I am able to compile the bleeding version.

I am trying to run Kaffe in debugger mode :-
1. executed ./configure --prefix=<dir name> --enable-xdebugging
2. After that did make followed by make install.
3. Then set the KAFFE_DEBUG flag to gdb by command
export KAFFE_DEBUG =gdb
4. Now, even if I give java/javac command It give "KAFFE_DEBUG_TEMPFILE not
set" as output.

What could be the reason for this problem?


"Attitude Matters"
Parthasarathy G
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