[kaffe] swing packages

Dalibor Topic robilad at yahoo.com
Mon May 13 01:09:40 PDT 2002

Hi Jim, hi Oskar,

--- Jim Pick <jim at kaffe.org> wrote:
> I'm all for doing that.  There's a lot of stuff I've
> found that I'd like
> to plunk into the tree, but I'd like to do some
> re-organizing first.  So
> it's a post-1.0.7 item.  I'd rather have a clean way
> of incorporating
> stuff that's actively being maintained elsewhere,
> since I'd rather not
> have the responsibility of maintaining code that's
> been "forked" off of
> somebody else's tree - instead I want a way of being
> able to easily
> update the code from the "upstream" sources.

I agree. If we incorporate stuff that's actively
beeing maintained elsewhere into kaffe then it might
be best to incorporate it as jars, like we do it for
kjc. The problem with jars is that CVS doesn't handle
binary files well, but the (in my opinion
overwhelming) positive aspect is that we avoid

dalibor topic

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