[kaffe] KeyEvent -> JDK 1.4 patch (And longer explanation;)

Jukka Santala jsantala at morphine.tml.hut.fi
Mon Sep 30 05:42:40 PDT 2002

This patch updates java.awt.event.KeyEvent to "sorta" JDK 1.4 spec. This
mostly involves a bunch of new key type defines, and is neccessary because
Swing for some reason now thinks Kaffe is Java2 compatible and so tries to
use them with Kaffe. This implementation has been checked with reflection
etc. to match Sun JDK 1.4.0 and IBM Java 1.3.0.

JDK 1.4 adds "Key locations". This class provides code for supporting
them, but since the Kaffe input layer core doesn't presently support them
at least directly, the patch has related functionality quoted out and
returns KEY_LOCATION_UNKNOWN for all events. This saves one int per
KeyEvent instance, which might be significant somewhere.

Speaking of space savings, this patch adds a non-trivial amount of static
key-defines, as well as code for getKeyText() and complexity for
isActionKey(). I submit that this would be a potential case for weighting
the advantages and costs involved in trying to support a JDK specific
class-lib build system. I think embedded use is still oen important
consideration for Kaffe, and Java2's code-bloat doesn't really help with
it. Unfortunately for decisions inside classes this would seem to mean
some kind of preprocessor with directives.

Another thought while doing the class checkup, I noticed that the
constructor functions do almost exactly same thing, but each one has been
separately typed in there. This is ofcourse good for performance, since
KeyEvent constructors will be called for all key-presses etc. and this
avoids one level of nested calls compared to each constructor making call
to "meta-constructor" with fixed attributes. Incidentally though, this is
use of the same pattern as I've suggested for HashMap.find(), which
several magnitudes more often used than KeyEven constructors. Hopefully
there will be some sort of common guidleine (not neccessarily a "rule") on
the use of code-duplication for performance-critical code-paths to avoid
nested calls.

Speaking of performance tunings, this patch uses a touch unconventional
code for isActionKey(). Optimizers that can optimize for expected keyboard
input are still far, far in the future, so I hope nobody objects on "Let's
optimize this in the VM for all code" to this :) Ofcourse, even so it's
just a guess on the frequency of letters checked, and my main incencitive
was to make the checks as compact as possible. They may be harder to read
than a straight list of which keys/events to consider actions, but I've
verified the results match Sun/IBM JDK's, so it doesn't particularily
matter. It's still at least as easy to figure out whether a specific key
is action or not even from the code.

For future work: With j2sdk1.4.0:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: null source
        at java.util.EventObject.<init>(EventObject.java:34)
        at java.awt.AWTEvent.<init>(AWTEvent.java:225)
        at java.awt.event.ComponentEvent.<init>(ComponentEvent.java:94)
        at java.awt.event.InputEvent.<init>(InputEvent.java:179)
        at java.awt.event.KeyEvent.<init>(KeyEvent.java:858)
        at java.awt.event.KeyEvent.<init>(KeyEvent.java:914)
        at java.awt.event.KeyEvent.<init>(KeyEvent.java:923)

Adding this exception to Kaffe should be easy, but I didn't bother
clumping it together with this patch. Another thing is actually
integrating the JDK 1.4 key-location system to Kaffe core. I didn't check
that all key-modifiers work the same, but I assume the old implementation
had it right. CHAR_UNDEFINED has different value from JDK's, but I didn't
change this, as it'd require checking with input code, and it'll work as
long as people use the defined constants as intended. I have not had an
opportunity to check that the keys like VK_F20 or VK_CUT actually work
yet, this class just guarantess they're defined and Kaffe doesn't bowl
over because of that.

And I'll be unlikely to do that work, because this patch is enough to get
our software work with Kaffe ;) (Actually, it's fairly lot more than just
what's needed, since I wanted to make sure all the constants were there
and consistent).

 -Jukka Santala
-------------- next part --------------
Index: libraries/javalib/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.java
RCS file: /cvs/kaffe/kaffe/libraries/javalib/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.java,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -r1.8 KeyEvent.java
--- libraries/javalib/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.java	13 Mar 2002 21:01:55 -0000	1.8
+++ libraries/javalib/java/awt/event/KeyEvent.java	30 Sep 2002 12:01:25 -0000
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
   extends InputEvent
 	protected int keyCode;
+//	protected int keyLocation; // JDK 1.4
 	protected char keyChar;
 	private static final long serialVersionUID = -2352130953028126954L;
 	final public static int KEY_FIRST = 400;
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@
 	final public static int VK_RIGHT = 0x27;
 	final public static int VK_DOWN = 0x28;
 	final public static int VK_COMMA = 0x2C;
+	final public static int VK_MINUS = 0x2D; // 1.2
 	final public static int VK_PERIOD = 0x2E;
 	final public static int VK_SLASH = 0x2F;
 	final public static int VK_0 = 0x30;
@@ -99,10 +101,14 @@
 	final public static int VK_NUMPAD9 = 0x69;
 	final public static int VK_MULTIPLY = 0x6A;
 	final public static int VK_ADD = 0x6B;
-	final public static int VK_SEPARATER = 0x6C;
+	final public static int VK_SEPARATER = 0x6C; // 1.1 compatibility (misspelled)
+	final public static int VK_SEPARATOR = 0x6C; // 1.4
 	final public static int VK_SUBTRACT = 0x6D;
 	final public static int VK_DECIMAL = 0x6E;
 	final public static int VK_DIVIDE = 0x6F;
+	final public static int VK_DELETE = 0x7F;
+	final public static int VK_NUM_LOCK = 0x90;
+	final public static int VK_SCROLL_LOCK = 0x91;
 	final public static int VK_F1 = 0x70;
 	final public static int VK_F2 = 0x71;
 	final public static int VK_F3 = 0x72;
@@ -115,15 +121,67 @@
 	final public static int VK_F10 = 0x79;
 	final public static int VK_F11 = 0x7A;
 	final public static int VK_F12 = 0x7B;
-	final public static int VK_DELETE = 0x7F;
-	final public static int VK_NUM_LOCK = 0x90;
-	final public static int VK_SCROLL_LOCK = 0x91;
+	final public static int VK_F13 = 0xF000; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F14 = 0xF001; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F15 = 0xF002; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F16 = 0xF003; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F17 = 0xF004; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F18 = 0xF005; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F19 = 0xF006; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F20 = 0xF007; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F21 = 0xF008; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F22 = 0xF009; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F23 = 0xF00A; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_F24 = 0xF00B; // 1.2
 	final public static int VK_PRINTSCREEN = 0x9A;
 	final public static int VK_INSERT = 0x9B;
 	final public static int VK_HELP = 0x9C;
 	final public static int VK_META = 0x9D;
 	final public static int VK_BACK_QUOTE = 0xC0;
 	final public static int VK_QUOTE = 0xDE;
+	final public static int VK_KP_UP = 0xE0; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_KP_DOWN = 0xE1; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_KP_LEFT = 0xE2; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_KP_RIGHT = 0xE3; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_GRAVE = 0x80; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_ACUTE = 0x81; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX = 0x82; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_TILDE = 0x83; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_MACRON = 0x84; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_BREVE = 0x85; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_ABOVEDOT = 0x86; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_DIAERESIS = 0x87; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_ABOVERING = 0x88; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_DOUBLEACUTE = 0x89; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_CARON = 0x8A; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_CEDILLA = 0x8B; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_OGONEK = 0x8C; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_IOTA = 0x8D; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_VOICED_SOUND = 0x8E; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DEAD_SEMIVOICED_SOUND = 0x8F; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_AMPERSAND = 0x96; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_ASTERISK = 0x97; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_QUOTEDBL = 0x98; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_LESS = 0x99; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_GREATER = 0xA0; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_BRACELEFT = 0xA1; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_BRACERIGHT = 0xA2; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_AT = 0x200; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_COLON = 0x201; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_CIRCUMFLEX = 0x202; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_DOLLAR = 0x203; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_EURO_SIGN = 0x204; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_EXCLAMATION_MARK = 0x205; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_INVERTED_EXCLAMATION_MARK = 0x206; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_LEFT_PARENTHESIS = 0x207; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_NUMBER_SIGN = 0x208; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_PLUS = 0x209; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS = 0x20A; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_UNDERSCORE = 0x20B; // 1.2
 	final public static int VK_FINAL = 0x18;
 	final public static int VK_CONVERT = 0x1C;
 	final public static int VK_NONCONVERT = 0x1D;
@@ -131,9 +189,41 @@
 	final public static int VK_MODECHANGE = 0x1F;
 	final public static int VK_KANA = 0x15;
 	final public static int VK_KANJI = 0x19;
+	final public static int VK_ALPHANUMERIC = 0xF0; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_KATAKANA = 0xF1; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_HIRAGANA = 0xF2; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_FULL_WIDTH = 0xF3; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_HALF_WIDTH = 0xF4; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_ROMAN_CHARACTERS = 0xF5; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_ALL_CANDIDATES = 0x100; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_PREVIOUS_CANDIDATE = 0x101; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_CODE_INPUT = 0x102; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_JAPANESE_KATAKANA = 0x103; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_JAPANESE_HIRAGANA = 0x104; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_JAPANESE_ROMAN = 0x105; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_KANA_LOCK = 0x106; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_INPUT_METHOD_ON_OFF = 0x107; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_CUT = 0xFFD1; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_COPY = 0xFFCD; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_PASTE = 0xFFCF; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_UNDO = 0xFFCB; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_AGAIN = 0xFFC9; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_FIND = 0xFFD0; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_PROPS = 0xFFCA; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_STOP = 0xFFC8; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_COMPOSE = 0xFF20; // 1.2
+	final public static int VK_ALT_GRAPH = 0xFF7E; // 1.2
 	final public static int VK_UNDEFINED = 0x0;
 	final public static char CHAR_UNDEFINED = 0xffff;
+	final public static int KEY_LOCATION_UNKNOWN = 0; // 1.4
+	final public static int KEY_LOCATION_STANDARD = 1; // 1.4
+	final public static int KEY_LOCATION_LEFT = 2; // 1.4
+	final public static int KEY_LOCATION_RIGHT = 3; // 1.4
+	final public static int KEY_LOCATION_NUMPAD = 4; // 1.4
 public KeyEvent ( Component src, int evtId, long time, int mods, int kCode) {
 	super( src, evtId);
@@ -141,6 +231,7 @@
 	modifiers = mods;
 	keyCode = kCode;
 	keyChar = (char)kCode;
+//	keyLocation = KEY_LOCATION_UNKNOWN;
 public KeyEvent ( Component src, int evtId, long time, int mods, int kCode, char kChar ) {
@@ -150,6 +241,17 @@
 	modifiers = mods;
 	keyCode = kCode;
 	keyChar = kChar;
+//	keyLocation = KEY_LOCATION_UNKNOWN;
+public KeyEvent ( Component src, int evtId, long time, int mods, int kCode, char kChar, int kLoc ) {
+	super( src, evtId);
+	when = time;
+	modifiers = mods;
+	keyCode = kCode;
+	keyChar = kChar;
+//	keyLocation = kLoc;
 public char getKeyChar() {
@@ -215,6 +317,11 @@
 	case VK_RIGHT:      return "Right";
 	case VK_DOWN:       return "Down";
+	case VK_KP_LEFT:    return "Left";
+	case VK_KP_UP:      return "Up";
+	case VK_KP_RIGHT:   return "Right";
+	case VK_KP_DOWN:    return "Down";
 	case VK_MULTIPLY:   return "NumPad *";
 	case VK_ADD:        return "NumPad +";
 	case VK_SEPARATER:  return "NumPad ,";
@@ -234,6 +341,20 @@
 	case VK_F10:        return "F10";
 	case VK_F11:        return "F11";
 	case VK_F12:        return "F12";
+	// JDK 1.2+
+	case VK_F13:        return "F13";
+	case VK_F14:        return "F14";
+	case VK_F15:        return "F15";
+	case VK_F16:        return "F16";
+	case VK_F17:        return "F17";
+	case VK_F18:        return "F18";
+	case VK_F19:        return "F19";
+	case VK_F20:        return "F20";
+	case VK_F21:        return "F21";
+	case VK_F22:        return "F22";
+	case VK_F23:        return "F23";
+	case VK_F24:        return "F24";
 	case VK_DELETE:     return "Delete";
 	case VK_NUM_LOCK:   return "Num Lock";
 	case VK_SCROLL_LOCK: return "Scroll Lock";
@@ -251,6 +372,68 @@
 	case VK_MODECHANGE: return "Mode Change";
 	case VK_KANA:       return "Kana";
 	case VK_KANJI:      return "Kanji";
+	// Java2 additions
+	case VK_AGAIN:		return "Again";
+	case VK_ALL_CANDIDATES:	return "All Candidates";
+	case VK_ALPHANUMERIC:	return "Alphanumeric";
+	case VK_ALT_GRAPH:	return "Alt Graph";
+	case VK_AMPERSAND:	return "Ampersand";
+	case VK_ASTERISK:	return "Asterisk";
+	case VK_AT:		return "At";
+	case VK_BRACELEFT:	return "Left Brace";
+	case VK_BRACERIGHT:	return "Right Brace";
+	case VK_CIRCUMFLEX:	return "Circumflex";
+	case VK_CODE_INPUT:	return "Code Input";
+	case VK_COLON:		return "Colon";
+	case VK_COMPOSE:	return "Compose ";
+	case VK_COPY:		return "Copy";
+	case VK_CUT:		return "Cut";
+	case VK_DEAD_ABOVEDOT:	return "Dead Above Dot";
+	case VK_DEAD_ABOVERING:	return "Dead Above Ring";
+	case VK_DEAD_ACUTE:	return "Dead Acute";
+	case VK_DEAD_BREVE:	return "Dead Breve";
+	case VK_DEAD_CARON:	return "Dead Caron";
+	case VK_DEAD_CEDILLA:	return "Dead Cedilla";
+	case VK_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEX: return "Dead Circumflex";
+	case VK_DEAD_DIAERESIS:	return "Dead Diaeresis";
+	case VK_DEAD_DOUBLEACUTE: return "Dead Double Acute";
+	case VK_DEAD_GRAVE:	return "Dead Grave";
+	case VK_DEAD_IOTA:	return "Dead Iota";
+	case VK_DEAD_MACRON:	return "Dead Macron";
+	case VK_DEAD_OGONEK:	return "Dead Ogonek";
+	case VK_DEAD_SEMIVOICED_SOUND: return "Dead Semivoiced Sound";
+	case VK_DEAD_TILDE:	return "Dead Tilde";
+	case VK_DEAD_VOICED_SOUND: return "Dead Voiced Sound";
+	case VK_DOLLAR:		return "Dollar";
+	case VK_EURO_SIGN:	return "Euro";
+	case VK_EXCLAMATION_MARK: return "Exclamation Mark";
+	case VK_FIND:		return "Find";
+	case VK_FULL_WIDTH:	return "Full-Width";
+	case VK_GREATER:	return "Greater";
+	case VK_HALF_WIDTH:	return "Half-Width";
+	case VK_HIRAGANA:	return "Hiragana";
+	case VK_INPUT_METHOD_ON_OFF: return "Input Method On/Off";
+	case VK_INVERTED_EXCLAMATION_MARK: return "Inverted Exclamation Mark";
+	case VK_JAPANESE_HIRAGANA: return "Japanese Hiragana";
+	case VK_JAPANESE_KATAKANA: return "Japanese Katakana";
+	case VK_JAPANESE_ROMAN:	return "Japanese Roman";
+	case VK_KANA_LOCK:	return "Kana Lock";
+	case VK_KATAKANA:	return "Katakana";
+	case VK_LEFT_PARENTHESIS: return "Left Parenthesis";
+	case VK_LESS:		return "Less";
+	case VK_MINUS:		return "Minus";
+	case VK_NUMBER_SIGN:	return "Number Sign";
+	case VK_PASTE:		return "Paste";
+	case VK_PLUS:		return "Plus";
+	case VK_PREVIOUS_CANDIDATE: return "Previous Candidate";
+	case VK_PROPS:		return "Props";
+	case VK_QUOTEDBL:	return "Double Quote";
+	case VK_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS: return "Right Parenthesis";
+	case VK_ROMAN_CHARACTERS: return "Roman Characters";
+	case VK_STOP:		return "Stop";
+	case VK_UNDERSCORE:	return "Underscore";
+	case VK_UNDO:		return "Undo";
 	if ( keyCode >= VK_NUMPAD0 && keyCode <= VK_NUMPAD9 ) {
@@ -282,10 +465,23 @@
 public boolean isActionKey () {
 	int kc = keyCode;
-	if ( (kc >= VK_PAUSE) && (kc <= VK_CAPS_LOCK) ) return true;
-	if ( (kc >= VK_PAGE_UP) && (kc <= VK_DOWN) ) return true;
-	if ( (kc >= VK_F1) && (kc <= VK_F12) ) return true;
-	if ( (kc >= VK_NUM_LOCK) && (kc <= VK_INSERT) ) return true;
+	// Pop out most common alphanumerics first
+	if ( kc == VK_SPACE ) return false; // Space-bar
+	if ( (kc > VK_DOWN) && (kc < VK_F1) ) return false; // Alphanum
+	if ( kc < VK_PAUSE ) return false; // Newline
+	if ( (kc > VK_KANJI) && (kc < VK_CONVERT) ) return false; // Escape
+	if ( (kc > VK_KANA) && (kc < VK_FINAL) ) return false; // None
+	if ( kc <= VK_F12 ) return true; // Everything else common
+	if ( (kc >= VK_NUM_LOCK) && (kc <= VK_SCROLL_LOCK) ) return true;
+	if ( (kc >= VK_PRINTSCREEN) && (kc <= VK_HELP) ) return true;
+	if ( (kc >= VK_KP_UP) && (kc <= VK_KP_RIGHT) ) return true;
+	if ( (kc >= VK_ALPHANUMERIC) && (kc <= VK_ROMAN_CHARACTERS) ) return true;
+	if ( (kc >= VK_ALL_CANDIDATES) && (kc <= VK_INPUT_METHOD_ON_OFF) ) return true;
+	if ( (kc >= VK_F13) && (kc <= VK_F24) ) return true;
+	if ( (kc >= VK_STOP) && (kc <= VK_UNDO) ) return true;
+	if ( kc == VK_COPY ) return true;
+	if ( (kc >= VK_PASTE) && (kc <= VK_CUT) ) return true;
 	return false;
@@ -321,6 +517,11 @@
 	return s;
+public int getKeyLocation() {
+//	return keyLocation;
 public void setKeyChar ( char kChar ) {

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