[kaffe] JanosVM 1.0 Release Notes

Timothy Stack stack at cs.utah.edu
Thu Feb 13 22:14:01 PST 2003


The new release has a bunch of Kaffe-related changes, so I thought I'd 
post the release notes along with the announce.

tim stack

Version 1.0

  * We include a prototype implementation of an emerging standard,
    the JSR-121 Application Isolation API Specification, or
    "Isolate", that exploits the JanosVM's capabilities.  JSR-121
    (http://www.jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=121) is "an API for
    initiating and controlling computations isolated from each other
    to varying degrees."  Sun plans to include this in standard
    Java via the J2SE 1.5 release in late 2003.  Our implementation,
    the first publically available, allows developers to experiment
    with this emerging standard interface to start and safely
    terminate Java processes-- in our case, within a single JVM.

    Utah contributed to the JSR-121 spec by having a representative,
    Patrick Tullmann, on the JSR-121 Expert Group, as well as
    through our earlier research in this area.

    The JSR-121 prototype is in libraries/kitlib/java/lang/isolate.
    It is a single address space implementation that maps Isolate
    instances to JanosVM teams.  It provides all the isolation
    support, such as asynchronous termination, as well as Link
    functionality, like passing open file/socket streams.

    As a demonstration of the JSR-121 prototype there are several test
    programs in the libraries/kitlib/edu/utah/janosvm/apps directory.
    The 'isoshell' is a simple shell that starts Java programs in
    sub-isolates.  The 'isoserv' is a simple web server that splits
    functionality across isolates to enhance reliability and to
    protect the server from untrusted 'servlet' code.  For example,
    requests for static web pages are handled by the main web server
    isolate passing the open stream to a static page helper isolate.
    This separation reduces the amount of code in the main web server
    and makes it possible to easily restart faulty helper isolates.

    See Section 4.6 of the tutorial for more detail.

  * Significant resource management in Unix-Jthreads2:

	Unix JThreads2 is now the default threading system.

	Stack overflows are now detected using a guard page instead of
	passing the maximum stack limit with the method call.  The
	implementation uses the process' alternate signal stack to
	initially catch and handle the SIGSEGV.  Next, the signal
	handler changes the sigcontext to use a per-thread exception
	stack.  Finally, the handler returns and the thread continues
	normally, using the separate stack to build and throw the

	A file system resource specification, FileSystemSpec, was
	added to support chroot()-like behavior.  See FSTest.java in
	test/janosvm for example usage.

	The CPUSpec now takes a 'limit' parameter that specifies a
	maximum for total CPU usage.  If a team crosses this limit it
	will trigger a CPU_OVERDRAW team event.  See CPULimit.java in
	test/janosvm for example usage.

	A file descriptor resource specification, DescriptorIOSpec,
	was added to support limits on per-team descriptor counts.
	See IOTest.java in test/janosvm for example usage.

	Resource monitoring for the VM can be done using the
	client/server mode of GKrellM (www.gkrellm.net).  Simply start
	the JVM with JSI turned on (e.g. -jsitcpport 8192) and run the
	jvm_gkrellmd.py script in libraries/unsupported/jsi/pylib.
	This script will adapt the resource accounting provided
	through JSI to the GKrellMd protocol.  Here is an example run:

	    1> janosvm -jsitcpport 14000 ... &
	    2> jvm_gkrellmd.py -t tcp:localhost/14000 -p 14001 &
	    3> gkrellm -s localhost -P 14001

  * It is _highly_ recommended that you download and install the Jikes
    compiler, version 1.18.  You can get the latest release from:


    JanosVM includes the Java-based KJC compiler, however, it
    generates bad code in certain circumstances and is generally not
    trustworthy at the moment.  

    Also, the precompiled JAR files included in the distribution were
    generated with Jikes.  So, if you recompile without Jikes there
    will be several more failures in the test suite.

  * Run-time access checking of method and field references is mostly
    implemented.  For example, a method that tries to reference a
    private field in another class will cause an
    IllegalAccessException to be thrown.  The test suite has also been
    modified to support testing of this functionality by using the
    compile_time and run_time directories in test/regression.  When
    compiling, the compile_time is included in the class path, and
    when executing the test, the run_time directory is included.
    Thus, tests can be written that use classes that differ from
    compile-time to run-time.  For example, implementing the
    previously mentioned illegal access is done by writing a class
    with a public field named 'foo' in the compile_time directory,
    while the run_time directory has the same class with a private

  * Support was added to make class loading lazier.  Compiled methods
    will now defer loading classes until the code is executed.  For
    example, the following code will not load the 'Bar' class until
    'a' is true:

	public void foo(boolean a)
	    if( a )
		new Bar().b = 42;

    The deferral is done by having the method call a function in
    soft.c that loads the class and, in the above case, returns the
    address of the field.  Unfortunately, the INSTANCEOF and CHECKCAST
    bytecodes still aggressively load classes during verification and
    not when they are actually referenced.

  * In addition to lazier class loading, errors during loading are
    handled better.  For example, the JVM will retry loading classes
    that are not found or failed to pass a stage preceding the
    execution of the static initializer.

  * As a byproduct of the lazy loading work, support was added for
    recompiling methods.  Because methods with lazy lookups must go
    through the sub-optimal deferral process, recompilation makes it
    possible to eventually generate 'optimal' code.  As such, jitted
    code is now garbage collected and the finalizer thread has been
    tasked with doing the actual recompiling work.

  * The old-style methodCache.*, used to map program counter values to
    methods, has been thrown away.  Instead, the jitter now prepends a
    header containing the relevant information onto the code block.
    Mappings are then done by asking the garbage collector for the
    base pointer of the given PC value, which should be the header.

  * Stricter checking of class file formats has been added.  Access
    flags, constant pool references, method signatures, field
    signatures, and other attributes are validated and programmed to
    throw exceptions that match the ones used by JDK 1.3.1.

  * The test suite now takes advantage of the Jasmin Java assembler to
    test the class file reader.  It should automatically be detected
    by configure.

    The test suite now takes advantage of the ByteCode Engineering
    Library (BCEL) to test the integrity of the class file reader.  It
    can be turned on by configuring with '--with-bcel=<path

  * Support for motherboard temperature and fan sensors has been added
    for FreeBSD.  Support is handled by including parts of the 'xmbmon'
    sources available from:


    It can be turned on by configuring with '--with-xmbmon=<path
    to>/xmbmon200'.  Note: You must have the proper permissions for
    this to work properly.

  * The JanosVM.jar file now only includes the differences from the
    the standard rt.jar.  This makes it easier to maintain, however,
    you must include rt.jar in the class path after JanosVM.jar when
    compiling.  Also, more of the standard Java run-time components
    have been 'JanosVMized' so they work correctly in the
    multi-process environment.

  * Class groups can now be imported after the team has been created
    using the NameSpaceResource.importClassGroup() method.  This
    method is then used by the class loader, 'Loader', located in
    libraries/kitlib/edu/utah/janosvm/kit/loader to support on-the-fly
    starting of server teams and importation of their classes.  In
    addition, the JVM now understands the '-Xloader' argument which
    specifies a class that will load and execute the main class.  As
    an example, the 'jisovm' script uses the loader to create the root
    JSR-121 isolate and start a server team that is responsible for
    housing the java.lang.isolate.* classes.

  * Added the java.net.NetworkInterface from JDK 1.4.  Currently, it
    is implemented using getifaddrs() as provided by the OS or the
    Linux implementation in replace/ifaddrs_linux.c.

  * ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExceptions and NegativeArraySizeExceptions
    now contain the bad index value.  This matches the Sun behavior
    and is just plain helpful for debugging.

  * Internal failures will cause a, hopefully helpful, message to be
    printed.  It is hoped that this will help the users give the
    maintainers the information they need to find the problem.

  * Synchronized with the Kaffe CVS repository on February 6, 2003.

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