[kaffe] Re: GregorianCalendar fixes

Ito Kazumitsu kaz at maczuka.gcd.org
Fri Nov 28 17:44:02 PST 2003


>>>>> ":" == Stephen Crawley <crawley at dstc.edu.au> writes:

:> If Sun's implementation (you don't say which JDK version!) is failing
:> a test, then that casts serious doubt on the correctness of the mauve
:> testcase itself!

I mentioned the JDK version as Sun's java version "1.4.2_02"
before showing the test results.

As for the correctness of the mauve testcase I made, I am
confident of it.

And my opinions on the discussed issue are:

1. Should the mauve test conform to Sun's implementation
   even if it seems incorrect?


2. Should GNU Classpath (or other implementations) simulate
   Sun's implementation even if it seems incorrect?

   Yes, if it is necesary.

These derives from Dalibor's saying in an article of Kaffe mailing list:
Date:        Tue, 01 Jul 2003 03:09:43 MST
Subject:     Re: [kaffe] Bug report (java.io.StreamTokenizer)

   Respect latest JDK API specs where you can,
   and do as Sun does where you must ;)

And in the case of 12 AM/PM issue,  I do not think we should
simulate Sun's bug.

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