[kaffe] Projects/sub-projects dependancies... Thoughts

Michael Franz developer.franz at verizon.net
Sat May 15 13:56:02 PDT 2004

On Saturday, May 15, 2004, at 12:15 PM, Dalibor Topic wrote:

> Hallo Michael,
> The problem is that the core vm files in kaffe/kaffevm are not 
> modularized enough. Just like you've found out :)
>> I guess, would there be interest in ensuring that the dependancies 
>> are well defined and in one direction?  How about creating a 
>> kaffe/common that would have the files that are common between kaffeh 
>> and kaffevm?
> Yes. I'd prefer to see the core library split further into a few 
> smaller libraries, defined by functionality they expose:
> kaffe/corejar : jar and zipfile handling
> kaffe/verifier : the verifier should be easy to split off, and 
> contains a few files in its own.
I think making some smaller modules would help not only for testing but 
for isolating the changes when adding new functionality or porting.

> and presumably others along the same lines. We can get there by 
> looking at what core files are shared between kaffeh and kaffevm and 
> trying to separate them into functional libraries. I'd welcome patches 
> in that direction.
I know of some files that are common.  They are easy enough to find.  
kaffe/kaffeh/*.c includes kaffe/kaffevm/*.c  .  The patches that I sent 
do not directly address this.  But it is a step towards cleaning up the 
includes and should allow us to rearrange the files without breaking 
the builds.

> I believe that Guilhem was doing some work to separate the different 
> engines more clearly, for example.
> cheers,
> dalibor topic
> Michael

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