[kaffe] frustrating news regarding the pthread instability

Guilhem Lavaux guilhem at kaffe.org
Wed Oct 20 09:47:30 PDT 2004

Noa Resare wrote:
> ons 2004-10-20 klockan 08:00 +0200 skrev Guilhem Lavaux:
>>I have identified and patched a race vulnerability which happens at 
>>thread destruction and another one (thanks to helmer) which happens at 
>>thread creation. I'll try to commit it this evening.
>>Thanks for looking for the problem.
> That's exciting news. I'm looking forward to a test drive.

Hi Noa,

I've just commited it. Please test it extensively. I would like also a 
thread hog test to see if there are memory leaks with the new scheme.



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