[kaffe] ksem interface & MAIN_MD

Alexander Boettcher ab764283 at os.inf.tu-dresden.de
Wed Sep 29 02:02:09 PDT 2004


somehow the test for THREAD_SYSTEM_HAS_KSEM in ksem.c was lost during 
the last months. It's neccessary if an port provides its own ksem 
semaphore implementation. At the moment you get double defined 
functions. Additional, is it possible to move the declaration of the 
ksem* functions into the ifdef of THREAD_SYSTEM_HAS_KSEM in ksem.h ? So, 
it is possible to declare also inline ksem functions, if the ksem 
implementation of the functions is small. Please, look at the diff, it 
does not affect unix-pthreads or unix-jthreads, but is necessary for 
ports with its own ksem implementation.

Another question,
in the Changelog entry 2004-06-15 is described that the call to
INIT_MD was removed from the kaffe/kaffe/main.c file. But in fact, the
call to MAIN_MD was removed. Can we reintroduce it ? Because it's
necessary for the oskit (it uses INIT_MD and MAIN_MD in different
manner) and for our port. MAIN_MD was/is useful if you have to initialize
some things before Kaffe becomes running.


Alexander Böttcher.
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