[kaffe] IDE for Kaffe???

Rafael Teixeira monoman at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 09:55:37 PDT 2006

Well, I may have passed the wrong impression, I don't develop Kaffe
with Eclipse.
I target and run my own programs against Kaffe/GnuClasspath. The main
advantage is that the compiler points any API mismatches, and I see
the results of running my programs in kaffe (I can also run with other
VMs and compare).

I create a project, and choose Kaffe instead of the Sun's JRE. You may
need to create the JRE(VM) entry, in the "Installed JREs..." subdialog
accessed from a button in the "JRE" tab of the "Run..." dialog. You
may need to copy-n-rename or make a symlink of glibj.zip to rt.jar so
that the Kaffe libraries can be set as the system ones for the new JRE
entry depending on how your VM integrates GNU Classpath.

The main pitfall is that some VMs (JamVM is one, and I didn't try with
a recent Kaffe) can't integrate with the debugging tools of Eclipse,
so that you can run your app, but you can't debug it inside Eclipse.

>From the commits I've seen in the passing months GNU Classpath is
getting the instrumentation and debugging bits in it, but I don't know
if current Kaffe accepts the right command line arguments and set ups
the listening server for the debugging session.

Hope it helps,

On 8/2/06, thuanpv <phamvanthuanbk at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thank you, Rafael ! Can you guide me more details, what should i do with the
> specific foder structure of a kaffe distribution (version 1.1.7 for
> example).
> --
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Rafael "Monoman" Teixeira
"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one
persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all
progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw

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