[kaffe] crazy existential question

Philippe Laporte philippe.laporte at gatespacetelematics.com
Thu Mar 9 03:53:32 PST 2006

     I totally agree with you. Fredom wins over money for me otherwise 
I'd be in something else...

My karma is still going and going and going...:-)

Are you familiar with the Maemo project? I think it's a super fair way 
of doing business with Open Source. Give and take.

Ok, so if one needs a VM on an obscure platform, they may go for Kaffe, 
if the port already exists. That does not make kaffe more portable than 

Best Regards,

Philippe Laporte

Gatespace Telematics
Första Långgatan 18
41328 Göteborg
Phone: +46 702 04 35 11
Fax:   +46 31 24 16 50
Email: philippe.laporte at gatespacetelematics.com

fchoong at netbeans.jp wrote:

>To Philippe,
>In the case of Kaffe, see how many platform it
>supports(http://www.kaffe.org/ports.shtml). It may not fit your definition
>of success(getting rich), but each Free Runtime Hacker gets to decide
>her/his own definition. Free Software is not about making money, it is
>about guaranteeing the users Freedom. Companies can make money off Free
>Software as long as they do not deny the Freedom of the users. Good
>Example from Sweden is MySQL AB. By the way, I think you have burnt up
>your karma :)
>                                                                 David Fu.
>>      I'd like a definition of success.
>>Thanks for continuously supporting my inquiries.
>>Best Regards,
>>Philippe Laporte
>>Gatespace Telematics
>>F�sta L�ggatan 18
>>41328 G�eborg
>>Phone: +46 702 04 35 11
>>Fax:   +46 31 24 16 50
>>Email: philippe.laporte at gatespacetelematics.com
>>fchoong at netbeans.jp wrote:
>>>To Philippe,
>>>It is because there are many people who like Kaffe, and it IS one of the
>>>more successful Free Runtimes around. A little ego is also good for
>>>keeping us going ;)
>>>                                                               David Fu.
>>>>    May I ask a crazy question: why does Kaffe still exist?
>>>>With all the great open-source VM projects out there, which are
>>>>successors to Kaffe if you will, why don't we focus efforts a bit more.
>>>>Is it a matter of ego?
>>>>I may be somewhat ignorant as I haven't followed Kaffe since 2001, but
>>>>perhaps it is time to pick aprt its best parts which don't yet have
>>>>equivalents elsewhere, and leave it to the cemetary of the once-famous?
>>>>Best Regards,
>>>>Philippe Laporte
>>>>Gatespace Telematics
>>>>F�sta L�ggatan 18
>>>>41328 G�eborg
>>>>Phone: +46 702 04 35 11
>>>>Fax:   +46 31 24 16 50
>>>>Email: philippe.laporte at gatespacetelematics.com
>>>>kaffe mailing list
>>>>kaffe at kaffe.org
>>>kaffe mailing list
>>>kaffe at kaffe.org
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