[kaffe] Re: Is ALIGN_CODEPC needed?

Kiyo Inaba inaba at src.ricoh.co.jp
Mon Dec 6 20:24:37 PST 2004

Since Dalibor was out of town when I sent original message, I'd like to
resend with more detailed info for this issue.
I wrote:
>In 'kaffe/kaffevm/jit3/funcs.c' a macro 'ALIGN_CODEPC' is defined.
>But as far as grep can tell, it has never been used. Is this macro
>really needed?
>If not, we have to modify
>   kaffe/kaffevm/jit3/funcs.c
>   kaffe/kaffevm/jit/funcs.c (at least ALIGN should be ALIGN_CODEPC for OpenBSD)
>   FAQ/FAQ.jit3.

I checked kaffe 0.8.3, and noticed even for jit rather than jit3, 'ALIGN'
macro (whose name was changed later to 'ALIGN_CODEPC' to be compiled on
OpenBSD) has defined but not used. So I think both {jit,jit3}/funcs.c should
be modified not to include this macro.

>Oh, I also notice 'FAQ/FAQ.jit3' shall be modified for the explanation of
>LOUT. The example in this document is still old style version.

No more info needed. I will make some patches later for this.


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