[kaffe] Re: Darwin/x86 134 of 144 tests Failed

Kiyo Inaba inaba at src.ricoh.co.jp
Wed Sep 8 09:25:28 PDT 2004


> Is 300 seconds a resonable value?

But, I don't agree to set this value shorter. There are several

1) It does not solve your problem at all.
2) Poperpc and Pentium are not the only CPU available.
etc, etc.

Of course ideal solution is to set this value based on the cpu
performance, but I have no clear idea how to do that...

And, at the very end, please consider 'Kaffe is not only for
your CPU architecture or OS' when you post :-)

P.S. If we have to change this value, I have to propose longer
     rather than shorter.

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